Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] she [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 She did not report it because she did not think she would be believed .
2 Remembering that he had sent Catherine Crane to see Angela Morgan 's employers , he decided to find out how she had got on ; late as it was he did not think she would have gone off duty without reporting to him .
3 She did not think she would like herself in it if she could see herself and she did not think she would like to see her face bright and thick with greasepaint .
4 She did not think she would like herself in it if she could see herself and she did not think she would like to see her face bright and thick with greasepaint .
5 Vitor did not think she might be pregnant by him , Ashley realised numbly .
6 They were not due to leave Sintra until early afternoon tomorrow , but she did not think she could stand another day of his kisses and caresses .
7 She did not think she could stand another hour , another minute , another second .
8 Do you not think she must be up in arms by this time , at being treated like a bone between three dogs ?
9 Knowing Christopher , she has judged it right to leave him to make his own attempts , though had he not succeeded she would probably have joined him and discussed the solution with him .
10 She had undertaken to contact him by the end of next week to report what progress she had made and he did not doubt she would do so , for she was a woman of her word .
11 He had not expected she would .
12 Her father , however , does not expect she will be belatedly upgraded to gold medal status , which she missed by 0.62 secs , the margin she finished behind Behrendt seven years ago .
13 Penelope 's way home took her along St Basil 's Terrace , or if it had not done she would have arranged her journey to include it , even if it had meant a slight detour .
14 Again , I do not feel she would have had any disposable income from her grant at college or part time earnings .
15 She did not feel she could turn down such charity without proof of the necessary conditions of rejection .
16 But she and Matthew had had so many cold steely little tussles these last few weeks over so many small things — like the panelling in the hall and cutting some trees down at the side of the house which she said darkened the drawing-room and which he had gone berserk about — that Sara did not feel she could be obstructive again .
17 Also , there is the situation where a wife may not feel she can really give her husband a present because the funds she would be spending would actually be his .
18 I do not believe she would ever leave us of her own will . ’
19 But she has said she does not believe she will be crowned .
20 Always start ‘ Tall , good-looking Mary Smith , as she stepped out of her cottage that morning , did not realize she would not see her children until the following , three months later .
21 You 're not saying she should n't have been allowed to do that , she should have gone to John
22 She came in to me as I knelt there and raised me up , and said we must never quarrel and that she would never , ever , give me cause to doubt her , and I must not suppose she could .
23 " I can not suppose she will .
24 Just because she had to leave a meeting suddenly did not mean she would relinquish her authority .
25 His anger might be justified , but it did not mean she must be treated like a criminal .
26 She had not imagined she would ever dare say this aloud .
27 She is not to think she can get away with behaving hurtfully .
28 erm and ended up dealing with it but that 's not to say she should n't deal with it erm she just got to be trained how to deal with it
29 ‘ But that 's not to say she 'd commit murder . ’
30 Did you not agree she should be my chambermaid ?
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