Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] about that " in BNC.

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1 Ishmael had been reared experiencing a hard life in the desert , suffering from hunger , thirst , loneliness — but I need not think about that again — not today .
2 No , not at all , and then , even in her confused state , her mind shied away from the reasons for her distaste , and she found herself saying even through her pain and shock , ‘ I will not think about that , I will not , ’ and so saying she stopped struggling and sank back into oblivion once more .
3 ‘ I 've not heard about that . ’
4 Erm they can then feel that their family 's being looked after as well , so it helps them not to worry about that side of it .
5 Not to worry about that .
6 It 's probably simpler not to , not to worry about that that 's just a quick a bit of a short cut way of doing it .
7 I do not know about that kind of radical suggestion , but the police were very successful last year in closing down four domestic manufacturers of Ecstasy — hence the fact that most of the drug being sold on our streets comes from abroad , some from continental Europe .
8 I 'm not squealing about that .
9 I prefer not to speculate about that er at this stage , particularly in public session we are tha that is the current estimate of project cost .
10 Cameron did not mind about that , even when Harvey Broadribb , who had been at Juillard with him , won the Academy Award for his work on the movie .
11 ‘ Oh , I 'm not bothered about that , ’ he said .
12 Not bothered about that , just want an idea .
13 I 'm not bothered about that .
14 I ca , oh I 'm not bothered about that but I ca n't be bothered to buy one just for four
15 Well you 're not bothered about that anyway
16 I 've already got one , I 'm not bothered about that , I mean for kids I think , I think it 's a good idea because well then they do n't lay on it
17 some of them you might just ignore and say Oh I 'm not bothered about that others
18 When the wardrobes are moved it could be that they will hide the wall light switch and he 's not bothered about that one little bit !
19 Well I 'm not bothered about that if you can get it .
20 For one individual , but we 're not complaining about that , we accept that .
21 I certainly would not boast about that 7 per cent .
22 I do know that some of my colleagues tried but you will not read about that in the newspaper clippings of the period .
23 ‘ I 'm not crying about that .
24 So there undoubtedly a temptation to think , well let's not bother about that , let's pick them up when they are two years old and they 've survived this particularly hazardous first period .
25 Let's not forget about that aspect as well . ’
26 ‘ Try not to think about that .
27 Folly had been trying not to think about that particular angle of her revenge .
28 I am not talking about that kind of quietness ; rather the loneliness of people who feel quite cut off from God , from others , from society .
29 Back in the city there were thousand of people doomed , dying and all unnecessarily because here was plenty , here was sufficient for the whole city and possibly the greatest sin that you and I can be guilty of and that the church is generally guilty of , but you know when we talk about the church generally its , its so easy because that 's general , you and I that are the church , not the denomination , not the organization , it you and I , possibly the greatest sin that we can be guilty of is the sin of silence , I 'm not talking now about a rude , belligerent , discourteous , butting hole , button holding of people , I 'm not talking about that , I do n't see any place in gods word for that sort of attitude or that sort of approach but are we still silent , what about with those with whom we have the right , because we 've created a relationship , because they know us and they 've seen us and they 've seen the experiences we 've gone through and they 've seen what god has done in our lives , what about with those people do we wait for others to do it , shifting the responsibility .
30 I 'm not talking about that , I 'm now talking about Tollerton but it 's eight hundred properties , it 's a small village but there are twenty seven street co-ordinators , so you know
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