Example sentences of "[adv prt] only a small " in BNC.

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1 However , works produced in only a small number of copies are often not received in terms of the Copyright Act , and instead are purchased to ensure that a copy is added to the collection .
2 When determining their poll tax levies , districts were thus faced with already agreed demands from the counties , and their own precepts actually made up only a small proportion of the total amount community charge payers were required to pay .
3 This painful catalogue makes up only a small part of the inventory of the ‘ art ’ of the restaurant …
4 Usually , proctoscopy is only performed on known gonorrhoea contacts and these make up only a small proportion of female patients seen in the clinic .
5 The film as film , as ‘ text ’ , as visual artefact , takes up only a small place amidst this kaleidoscope of angles — and I have n't even touched on the economic aspects of production and reception , such as box office pressures , state subsidies , distribution and exhibition .
6 In the Khartoum region , female enrolment outstripped that of males at secondary school level , though women make up only a small proportion of students in the technical secondary schools .
7 The injected cells remained healthy within the liver parenchyma and corrected the phenylalanine defect for the normal life span of the mouse ( even though the cells made up only a small percentage of liver cells ) .
8 Were the kinetic energy of the wind to be converted by the shock into radiant energy , the localized H-H objects could expect to take up only a small fraction of the wind 's energy , in which case the radiated power far exceeds that available .
9 Agency workers and their close equivalents make up only a small minority of the temporary workforce and most of them are concentrated in a very narrow range of occupations , particularly those involving office or secretarial skills .
10 Once there is enough wind to plane , though , the back position comes into its own , since with the weight back only a small amount of the board is in contact with the water thus enabling high speeds .
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