Example sentences of "[adv prt] so it [is] " in BNC.

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1 it later on so it 's ready for you coming in .
2 That 's what I did , yesterday morning went with my mate came back , stuck it on so it 's cost me the , the pads were seventeen twenty , thirty pound for the what 's a name and fifty quid near enough just to do the front brakes .
3 Yeah it comes on , a comes on and then it shuts down so it 's some sort of shut down fault .
4 What happens is that the council is Liberal Democrat controlled and the area council is Labour controlled and these two fight and that 's allowed the third obnoxious force to creep through so it 's not just Conservative cabinet government that is the problem .
5 th th they defend that against the Japanese and then in , early in forty seven the come in and take it over so it 's an enormous psychological shock erm and they recognize that erm they , they , they do need to er they recognize that the way is through mass support , they think that 's what they 've got ta get , and they 've got ta get it quickly .
6 No it 's down there , and in it er I wrote it last night actually when I was feeling pretty fucked off so it 's probably a bit out of order but I wrote to him and said erm tt Josh has been round this evening asking questions about what 's happened with his money erm and I think you 're really out of order .
7 Anyway , I 've turned it off so it 's colder for you
8 America has got to do that , Russia is broken up so it 's lesser than it is , in fact it 's going down , if only they 'd look , but you see they ca n't do it now without outside help .
9 They do n't bleeding bother to come up so it 's only like a Sunday in n it ?
10 I 've marked it up so it 's see whether eh .
11 You divide that by a hundred and twenty , divide they cancel out so it 's so to make one tonne of N A C L you use fifty eight over a hundred and twenty then you just times that by erm hundred and twenty times by two .
12 You know , sort of back comb it out so it 's sort of
13 you 're practically burning the coil out so it 's just a dri , a straight forward plattening
14 and they 've got all the rest of it sorted out so it 's quite easy
15 So you quickly get back so it 's pointing at my one two three directory , so if I do M D
16 Well it does n't go up on the wall it , it kind of goes around so it 's not like public knowledge in there all the time .
17 Yeah , well the you move your head around so it 's
18 It 's going round so it 's turning to night .
19 You know if er you know if federal government says well we think it 'd be a good idea to set up a erm you know a national space agency er NASA and all these other wonderful things , you know , and all the people in congress say great idea , great idea er we 'll have to have a launching site , we 'll have to have a launching site in Florida er cos it 'd be good to get one next to the water otherwise the rockets might come down and hit people and that would be unfortunate so we 'll agree there has to be a seaboard state but Flo well we 'll choose Florida cos the weather 's nice and you can play tennis all the year round so it 's a good idea and then we have to have mission control , right ?
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