Example sentences of "[adv prt] but [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I slowed down but even then I locked up the front wheel in one of the fast corners and I fell again .
2 McQuaid sat down but almost immediately rose again .
3 The triangular mesh vent on the inner roof let a small spray of rain in but not enough to really worry about .
4 Forward of the deckhouse are four more cabins , two on each side of a passageway wide enough to allow a sailbag to be dragged through but not so wide as to be dangerous at sea .
5 Faced with that dilemma the plaintiffs chose to endeavour to run the business to an early sale and that is what they did my Lord and er the premises were put back on the market er in the early part of nineteen eighty six and er it is pleaded that er in in paragraph six statement of claim , that in May er a buyer came forward but that sale did not go ahead er because there were unreasonable delays on the part of the purchaser erm and er the deal fell through but then again in July er after the business had ceased trading , another buyer was found and then there was a lengthy period of negotiations at the conclusion of which the sale price was reduced because at that stage the plaintiff 's landlord was going to increase the rent er and the plaintiffs were at that stage under threat of forfeiture and eventually contracts were exchanged on the sixth of November nineteen eighty six the sale price being eighty one thousand five hundred and er completion was on the fifth of December nineteen eighty six .
6 Sitting there , stroking her , the ball of his thumb soothing over and over but never so long in one place that he made her hand sore , he let his voice caress her into sleep whose dream-depths crushed her in peacock and navy .
7 I almost turn the fridge off but not quite , no .
8 It was taking out a girl with a trail of boasts littering the streets behind you , although you both returned as virginal as you had set off but usually much colder .
9 Half of an enormous fish — the head end with its sword broken off but still nearly two feet long — was laid out on a trestle table and the fishmonger was slicing inch-thick steaks from it .
10 Malpass had told me a few more bits of the story ; not enough to know what was really going on but just enough to make me feel uncomfortable .
11 and you carry on but sometimes sometimes it is the only way to do it stick with what you say and keep going .
12 They are responsible for what goes on but quite clearly some have been turning a blind eye . ’
13 Despite the pain she struggled on but almost inevitably lost the two remaining sets 6-3 6-3 .
14 By the time we had driven to Port Eynon , the wind had really picked up but not easily deterred , we abandoned the car and set off towards the cliffs .
15 ‘ For Top of the Pops , I make an effort to look glammed up but not too much — the knackered shorts tone the outfit down a bit ’
16 Not only did half the school turn up but seemingly so did hundreds from all the schools in Blackpool .
17 I mean from rig to rig things work differently and I mean on on Piper , I would say there were probably things that could have been tightened up but then again I do n't think they were part and parcel of what happened and there on July the sixth .
18 London Irish thought they 'd scored a try here … the ref tho rightly gave a knock on … and the cherry and whites rolled on to take the lead with a penalty from Martin Roberts … another penalty apiece made it six three to Gloucester at half-time … but they deserved more … the forwards were fired up but so too was the exiles defence which took a fair old hammering … the turning point came at the start of the second half when referee David Matthews awarded Gloucester a penalty try …
19 The matters for discussion are s spelt out but just so that you 're under no illusions to what we are aiming to talk about , first issue , first matter is is the proposed provision and distribution of employment land for district councils and Greater York , the reason bearing in mind the need to provide sufficient land for employment in appropriate locations and the second matter is what effect if any will the proposed scale on provision have on adjoining areas in West Yorkshire .
20 Er you clean 'em out but then again you you get it back so
21 He flung the bedclothes back but not nearly so purposefully as heretofore , and he stayed on his back beside Clarissa who begged him not to go shouting just for once , because that was what the gramophone girl wanted , did n't he see ?
22 If I was 40 , I may have said ‘ I 'm all right ’ and gone back but not now .
23 Two defenders had scurried back but even so Parker looked destined to score but was then left holding his head in disbelief after pulling his shot badly wide .
24 It was basically a group of people who happened to be around but very soon we all had titles and were constantly organising and re-organising the creating divisions and systems and methods .
25 The latter wafted about but certainly never danced .
26 The treatment of space is what good design is all about but far too many people think that if they can not afford to change a room structurally nothing else is going to alter the look and feel .
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