Example sentences of "[adv prt] he have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 After a little while they got back to me and says right one 's finally broken down , the seventeen year old , it took them an hour and an half , we 've broke him down he 's admitted he 's done it .
2 Lie down He 's sat down now .
3 Eye-witnesses denied this , however , saying that he had been engaged in a ‘ fair ’ stand up fight , but that when other people joined in he had fallen and struck his head on a tramline .
4 When they 'd moved in he 'd made a point of telling just about everybody where it was and how much it was costing — wincing a little at the same time , as if he were telling the story against himself and his own folly — but it had become a sterile kind of heaven , and he sat around in it like some forgotten angel .
5 I do n't think so when I went to let him in he 'd pulled himself up round the patio and looked as though he expected to be walloped for being silly he 's taken us this morning .
6 If , if he wants to come in he 's got to pay a deposit anyway .
7 ‘ I said to the grave digger , in conversation with him , ‘ Look , are you in the right plot ? ’ and his answer was the priest told him to dig the grave opposite Patrick 's but when he came along he 'd seen there was already a burial there , who was the sister Annie , but had seen this vacant plot next door , so he had dug the vacant one .
8 After all he had been through he had missed the longest standing running record of them all by just one mile !
9 By the time they had gone through he had disappeared . ’
10 Once the hunting season was over he had gone straight off to Ireland to fish , and then , on the outbreak of war , had promptly rejoined his regiment , and as their colonel-in-chief had made several sorties to France during the next three years .
11 printer so that when he 's hived off he 's got some
12 station in n it station make me laugh boy packed up with it 's like you have to do erm spot black and white er see because what you doing fuck off he 's got ta be mad you have to spot the toilet , you do n't like it Ian , tell do n't lie please do n't lie to me .
13 ‘ He got so worked up he had to ask to use the toilet .
14 He was silent and when she looked up he had pushed his supper aside .
15 When she looked up he had come through the barrier towards her .
16 ‘ And by the way , ’ said Elinor as she handed round tea and biscuits , ‘ I found out that the Chatwin kid was traced to a gypsy camp at the Appleby Horse Fair but before the police could pick him up he 'd disappeared again . ’
17 He has an authority you know , yo a written authority in his pocket and if the stewards pull him up he 's got the authority to , what he 's doing , carrying on .
18 Well he 's got ta get all the tiles up he 's got to has n't he ?
19 Well yeah cos when you think like that if they do pack up he 's got no no nothing .
20 When he came back he had decided to cooperate .
21 When she came back he had finished speaking .
22 When I got back he 'd eaten those so I presu , quite pleased about that .
23 ‘ He sent him back to the pub ; he sat there for a while , and when he came back he 'd got the front shoes on .
24 When we come back he 'd got the dishes all ready for me .
25 It 's a fair way off to the ice-cream cart so when Kenny comes back he 's got ice-cream cones melting all down his arms .
26 He recently ate a piece of cheese when his hands had just touched his shoes — and I later found out he had stood in some dog dirt .
27 All the same , when he had finished stubbing the cigarette out he had given a very shrewd and pertinent answer …
28 Before that night was out he had surrendered himself to Christ .
29 While the Gulf conflict has represented a huge drain on the organisation ( in the week prior to hostilities breaking out he had to spend £200,000 arranging coverage ) this is in part covered automatically .
30 But she did n't find out he had made no provision for her in the event of his death until Elizabeth could no longer withhold her sentiments .
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