Example sentences of "[adv prt] with [noun] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Andy Hargreaves ' chapter links in with themes raised by the previous contributors .
2 In each case , the reforms were hedged in with clauses designed to preserve leeway for the authorities .
3 The design part consisted of the construction of a plasmid — a small circle of DNA — containing the gene for HbsAg along with DNA taken from vaccinia virus .
4 Cooke hopes these research findings — along with work carried out at universities near his company 's base in Cheshire — will persuade other governments in arid areas to try polymers .
5 In 1984 the EEC demanded proper labelling and this , along with publicity given to cases of additive poisoning and allergic reactions , has encouraged manufacturers to reduce their use .
6 The Battalion entrained en route to the Lillebonne district about twenty miles from Le-Havre , A company along with B billeted at Gruchet-la-Vallasse , most men in open barns .
7 A good degree in economics and at least five years of experience in country analysis are required , along with experience related to financial institutions and international debt .
8 Ghede has an enormous propensity for rum , and his whereabouts are usually marked by a number of bottles , along with phalluses carved on nearby trees or fences .
9 Again , altar fronts like those of St Ambrose , Milan , and St Mark , Venice , along with others represented in early paintings , were covered in embossed sheet gold and enriched with precious stones and enamels .
10 Hutchinson had become a freeman — that is , a full church member — in 1634 but , along with others considered theologically unsound , was ordered to be disarmed in 1637 , and with the rest of his family moved to the more tolerant atmosphere of Providence ( later Rhode Island ) in 1638 .
11 At the end of each day , they list incidents or accidents which have occurred , along with actions taken to satisfy guests .
12 For many years it was thought that the wreck was a Spitfire , but after delving through archives at the RAF Museum along with information gleaned from various specialist publications , it was discovered that the aircraft was a Curtiss P-40 Tomahawk flown by a Canadian pilot , Harold Fraser-English of 400 Squadron , operating out of Weston Zoyland .
13 Techniques for the integration of further levels of processing were discussed along with information needed by and produced by each level .
14 Along with shares bought in the stock market , this left Airtours with 43 per cent of the equity — just over 7 per cent short of control in what developed into a cliff-hanging battle .
15 In the first year , students normally take Chemistry with either Biology or with Mathematics and Geology or with Mathematics and Physics , and later Chemistry is studied along with courses selected from options such as Chemical Pharmacology , Soil/Climate/Water , Economics , Geography , Geology , Industrial Management , Meteorology , Oceanography .
16 There was a legless young man on a cushioned board to which roller-skates had been fitted , and he propelled himself along with hands encased in old cigar-boxes .
17 Pains prevented , given a value in accordance with the same dimensions of intensity , duration , probability , extent count along with pleasures produced , in favour of an action , while pleasures prevented , count along with the pains produced , against it .
18 The most well-known and televised of the TM powers is the ‘ flying ’ siddhi — the practice of ‘ leapfrogging ’ along with legs folded in the traditional Buddha posture .
19 The results of this survey will be analysed along with data gathered from interviews carried out with over 100 candidates by SCOTVEC staff .
20 Along with feedback gained from interviews with centres and students , from seminars , and from correspondence , the results of this survey will be used to inform our thinking about the future development of general SVQ .
21 The Hurricanes had to be shorn of their wings to get through the tunnel but the Fulmars went through with wings folded .
22 Try this : with a partner of equal weight try pulling each other over with hands clasped and toes touching .
23 Christopher started off with prawns cooked in coriander , ginger and garlic , accompanied by a close cousin of the Hellmans family .
24 Twelve times integral of X squared D X well if we 'd have started off with X squared we 'd could have we would have if we 've started off with X cubed we would have finished up with three X cubed
25 Twelve times integral of X squared D X well if we 'd have started off with X squared we 'd could have we would have if we 've started off with X cubed we would have finished up with three X cubed
26 you 'd say , Well he must have started off with X cubed .
27 no good it 's three times too much so he must have started off with X cubed over three and that would 've given us one third of three X squared
28 In the Midlands , even in the large industrial towns , we find markets still being carried on with stalls pitched in a large open space , covering perhaps a couple of acres , exactly in the medieval fashion .
29 Reminds you of the US Interstate Highway system and the way it instantly snarled as soon as Washington residents tried to exit en masse during the riots of the late 1960s , does n't it … that blizzard coming on top of the New York World Trade Center bombing was just the kind of disaster the disaster recovery industry has been dreading : according to the New York Times , a heavy accumulation of snow caused the roof of the computer centre in Clifton , New Jersey that supports 5,000 automatic teller machines US-wide , 6% of the total , to collapse , putting the machines out of action — and the centre could n't transfer its operations to the North Bergen , New Jersey site where it had disaster recovery facilities arranged — because the site was full up with work transferred by Trade Center tenants …
30 With this letter were two lists of plants for Miller and Collinson , both headed ‘ sent by Budden , 1759 ’ and Miller 's assortment seems largely to tie up with requests made in the above letter .
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