Example sentences of "[adv prt] and he could " in BNC.

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1 Safety is also an important factor when stretching with a partner ; he does not know how much pain you are in and he could inadvertently overstretch you .
2 It was ten to fifteen feet , it was getting dark , he had lost his board , and he could n't get in and he could n't get out .
3 Richard opened slowly and then the cock was in and he could see only Martin 's glistening blond hair between his legs .
4 as if the night was coming in and he could n't stop it .
5 The ground floor windows were low enough to look in and he could see into the-little office , which was empty .
6 The rough-cast stairway was dark , but there were lights further on down and he could hear the faint strains of the show tape playing over the speakers in the club proper .
7 He 'd be glad when this was over and he could settle down to enjoy himself again .
8 His vision misted over and he could no longer see .
9 In his own house the curtains were open , the light was on and he could see a young girl with a pigtail , seated at the piano .
10 He just turned it up and he could make the thing do anything he liked : make toast or take the dog for a walk , answer the door … he could do anything with it . ’
11 Forget his last form figures because the shades have woken him up and he could be a long-priced winner despite the claims of Gold Blade and Ballyranter .
12 It nearly cracked me up and he could see what it did to me .
13 He was not right after the race and did not appear again all season but I like the way he has been stretching out and he could win here before making his mark in middle distance Group company .
14 And he tried to er , to get it out and he could n't , then he pointed to the calendar
15 He 's never ever finished it cos he gets his lungs get all tired out and he could n't breathe once so he 's decided to finish it and just finish , does n't matter which place you come really .
16 just gon na have to you know be stopped there anyway this young lad after the first fast bend he went to overtake and I could see a car coming the other way and he was like er running along side this pick-up but it was like he could n't drop back and he could n't make it either
17 Here he dismounted and prayed that whatever spirit had been working within him would continue to work , that this furious feeling of benevolence to all mind — if only a beggar would pass by and he could give him a shilling ! — would not abate , that he ‘ could truly and today start a new life , O Lord , for Thy sake and in Thy name ’ .
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