Example sentences of "[adv prt] and [n mass] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Given that planning can not dictate that people live near to where they work , I 'm not sure I 've yet grasped why it is that the need to Greater York need to be met near to York , the these needs to rise from a complex pattern of people moving in and people moving out , individual decisions as to where people live in relation to where they work , what 's the magic of having the new settlement near to York ?
2 This is why that the leaning process never ends , it 's , it 's always on , the new developments come in and people have to be taught , and firemen have to keep up to date with that .
3 Then the front door was smashed down and people streamed into the house .
4 But once the contents of these plans got around the rumours died down and people began to say that the family must be coming back . ’
5 It 's wet through and 75% burnt but I kept it for you . "
6 I 'd just phoned it through and people started ringing up saying you know somebody 's mother tells me and can you come and do our son because he wants to do this and Yes sure .
7 All the lights were on and people seemed to be moving about in every room .
8 For the next half-hour , while everyone filtered back into the big hall , while the musicians struck up and people began to dance , she counted off the time until the bride and groom were scheduled to leave — and when she could leave herself .
9 Then suddenly the stars began to show up and people gathered round the ropes and paid attention .
10 The Albert suspension bridge is all lit up and people cheer us .
11 Last night a Scottish Office spokesman said security precautions there had been stepped up and staff had been advised on the need to be more vigilant .
12 According to Financial Secretary to the Treasury Stephen Dorrell , 640,000 new general plans were taken out and £2.26bn invested in them , compared with 500,000 plans and £1.6bn investment in 1990/91 .
13 However , 44% of you feel that these reports should leave the gory details out and 39% feel they encourage copycat crimes .
14 Several months ago I received an invitation for myself and a friend to travel out and fish Carp Fishers Abroad 's new addition near Metz , France , near the border with Germany .
15 Animal rescues will be much the same just for turning out and £97.50 pays for a an awful lot of home help visits .
16 Steam puffed out and people cheered .
17 Er I 'm not surprised if it turns out and people think it 's good cos I spend when I 'm in the part it becomes my life so I do n't really judge it in terms of good or bad , I just it becomes like breathing .
18 The ghosts of his men are supposed to come back and people have heard the rattle of the harness and the jingle of the wheels rattling along
19 used to have them in the pub and then to play it back and people did n't realise it was there voice you know .
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