Example sentences of "[adv prt] and [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They got me name and address and telephone number at work and at home so I told the unions that they had to write in and complain about it too .
2 Just some ordinary ones , just to stick in and leave in all the time .
3 I thought , if I could go for a hybrid of these two , and get comedians to come in and sit with deadpan expressions , I might have something interesting on my hands .
4 I half hope he 's awake , so that I can go in and sit with him , and stroke his head .
5 He described one , a boy who was glad to come in and sit for him , and bring his spade .
6 Its very upsetting in more ways than one and an awkward time for a change of priests so Fr John will want just a little time to settle in and feel at home .
7 ‘ You do encourage potential residents to call in and inspect at any time , do n't you ? ’
8 In such circumstances ( known as ‘ the last resort ’ ) the Bank of England will always step in and lend to the discount houses , or purchase bills of exchange from them before the bills have reached maturity .
9 Then came the snow and she had to stay in and watch from the window how it piled up against the water butt , how it lay like a blanket along the sills , how it changed the distance from bluey brown to white as far as you could see .
10 We used to walk in and stand at the foot of one of the giant cranes .
11 Books from Boots Library had small labels in them which , if a reader wanted to buy it when it had finished its circulation life , he could fill in and give to the librarian when he returned it .
12 We used to curse them when we see 'em coming : we knew what we had to do : to get in and go to work .
13 The opponent may move in and strike with a roundhouse kick to the head and the first-time fighter may not actually see it coming .
14 Erm sometimes er I have n't mentioned much about the gender of the therapist but sometimes it can help a great deal if the therapist 's the same gender as the same person who 's undergoing therapy and it also helps if it 's er sometimes you ca n't very easily with some therapists , y'know it sometimes erm helps if it 's somebody you can trust and confide in and stuff like that and obviously , having met various psychiatrists and clinical psychologists , er quite a number of them are not people I 'd particularly like to talk about about being abused as a child .
15 ‘ Will you come in and stay with me when Robert comes round ? ’
16 ‘ You goin' to come in and talk to me after you 've eaten ? ’
17 I wonder if anybody would like to ring in and talk to you ?
18 Put it this way if I was having a problem with a member of my staff , or was , and we felt we wanted your help then you would come in and talk to them
19 In and that 's coming in on Friday and I asked Jackie yesterday whether she could come in and talk to you , she was trying to Monday .
20 Do you think you could get him to come in and talk to us ? ’
21 Some cities in Britain are working on setting up telephone help lines for children to ring in and talk about death and their own experiences .
22 She still woke often in the night full of strange forebodings , but with the Reverend Baron to confide in and laugh at her wilder interpretations of what she had dreamed , she survived better .
23 As I looked up , I saw that water was beginning to slop in and trickle down the wall .
24 The rotation system would enable a positive , free and unhindered development of the role so that others may share in and contribute towards what would become a valuable resource for the use and benefit of all concerned .
25 We want access to the same range of opportunities to participate in and contribute to the society in which we live .
26 The report focuses on the importance of transport and mobility in enabling older people to fully participate in and contribute to the life of the community and contains recommendations aimed at addressing the mobility needs of older people .
27 Once people have been diagnosed as suffering from food poisoning , or have been struck down by viral infactions and diseases caused by doubtful practices , it is necessary for somebody to step in and legislate for the industry .
28 Well you have to go through all this rigmarole of paperwork , you ca n't just go in and hand over your book and say please can I have five pounds now then I want to go and buy a book or something .
29 ‘ The Germans are formidable but our young players have proved that they can come in and cope with the best , the outstanding example being Alan McLaren 's handling of Italy 's Roberto Baggio , ’ Roxburgh said .
30 I mean the next thing they 'd want to do is to come in and do in this kitchen before you do any cooking for yourself
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