Example sentences of "[adv prt] and [noun] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 This is where the S3 chip comes in and Datapath claim that their card can improve common Windows functions by over 15 times .
2 Right , put that in and type install , how about that for a guess ?
3 But when the red letters roll in and nerves begin to fray you may revise your opinion , so to stay quids in , make sure you know how your new status affects your finances .
4 er are daddy come in and daddy come out
5 This is why that the leaning process never ends , it 's , it 's always on , the new developments come in and people have to be taught , and firemen have to keep up to date with that .
6 We all have experienced inability to sleep when we can not settle down and problems occupy our minds .
7 As the system beds down and budgets tighten the opportunities for innovation and experimentation will steadily diminish .
8 However , it is often argued that when barriers are taken down and teachers start to work in teams developing courses and assessing pupils ' responses , real improvements begin to occur .
9 Since then , this relationship has broken down and architects have enjoyed lower rates of unemployment relative to the national situation .
10 He had not reached the terminus ad quem down and outs go — and you ca n't get any further down than that .
11 What do men do standing up which women do sitting down and dogs do on three legs ?
12 But round here you could go to sleep , wake up in the morning and half the flat 's have been burnt down and shops have been looted and you do n't know where you are .
13 The police come along and things go quiet for a couple of months but then they come back again . ’
14 Shop windows were still frosted over and dustbins lay unemptied in the icy streets .
15 But I 'll be very glad when it 's all over and things return to normal . ’
16 The concrete garden path has been bricked over and vines adorn the white-painted exterior .
17 I mean , twenty years ago when the volume of work was n't so high as it now , then erm every police officer was doing that , but because time has marched on and problems have become more an more , erm we we tend to have left the traditional way of policing behind .
18 Yes I I I had noted that that discussion had gone on and assurances have been given to Humberside that North Yorkshire would no stray in the sense of putting their new settlement into Humberside .
19 Nothing will last forever but will fade as time goes on and seasons move into the cold of winter .
20 ’ Took his shoes off and Jock come with the Black Maria in the morning .
21 In order to seek to maintain profits , government must create extra demand , spending goes up and taxes follow .
22 ‘ But the guys here must remember I still love to stir things up and England do not do justice to people like Will and Jeremy Guscott .
23 This is particular true in cities , where a wider range of economic , social and residential opportunities have been opened up and blacks have also gained political power .
24 ‘ We want to go up and Sunderland want to avoid being relegated .
25 and we keeps erm digging it up and weeds keep growing .
26 He knows that if you play games with budgets , costs go up and profits go down .
27 The stamina has been topped up and tactics have been taught .
28 I am sure they would see that queues of slow moving traffic soon build up and drivers take to the town to get through .
29 The Albert suspension bridge is all lit up and people cheer us .
30 We used to go up and Mr get his .
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