Example sentences of "[adv prt] [no cls] and [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Well listen , if they do come on w And we 've got your mobile number , we 'll ring you back if we find them .
2 Three a year which was very nice and er oh well whilst I was there , you see , erm I landed up in , in Peel because I was going on a and she said to me one day this Miss er what are you doing today ?
3 But Richard I was trying to get his on a and I , I 've , I 've helped two other children to put theirs on , I do n't know who they were , and Dorothy says , oh we better get out Ann the teacher wanted the the visitors
4 Yes I believe in telepathy , but I do n't believe in in G and I shall come
5 Well I , I think to t we could try and make an assessment of the case load , special needs post sixteen case load in ter and we 'd have to do it in terms of the work we actually do .
6 And as they run in er and I always thought it was the best of the show .
7 Right , so if it gives of If you heat it in er and it gives of carbon dioxide , have a guess at what it is that we 're heating ?
8 If , if the barriers were down er and you were still on the railway er th ah there 's only way you can escape .
9 And I 'm playing with her in erm and I got sixty one , sixty and I got a , a twenty six .
10 It goes up and straight down l and you ca n't stay up erm in the water , you go straight under and you do n't find yourself in the middle erm of the pool where it actually comes in you find yourself being pressed against the wall by the water pressure
11 Now it is possible to write down a sequence of matrices unc Mr ( r is usually n or n + 1 , depending on the variant employed ) which when used as a chain to premultiply A , condense it to the unit matrix , so that unc which evidently implies unc The numerical procedure is to operate successively on 91 ) ; given A we can write down M1 and we evaluate unc so that ( 1 ) becomes unc Knowing B we can now write down unc and form unc and so on , until R is obtained .
12 Because I had one in the garden here and we moved it actually when we , we took the er hedge out er to put the fence and the gate on er and we moved it somewhere else and it er it just died off .
13 So there 's a big argument over wh and they 're both saying their one 's better .
14 Because they actually allowed the , the nationalists to , to sort of drive a an attack through into villages and take over erm and they , they assumed that they would drive too far erm
15 what , what I hope we 'll do next week is to , is to take that idea up and to see maybe why this policy came through erm and we 'll look at the , like the arithmetic of that as to , as to how much money there was , how much land there was in fact .
16 I do n't mind , I would n't of minded it a bit dull to start off erm and it would of probably done her good cos she was n't used to it .
17 So , but where I know it is a bit difficult with clothes because a market stall erm you do n't , you do n't normally get a chance to try the clothes on erm and you 're never absolutely sure are these clothes , is this garment going to fit or not ?
18 I would , I would have to be absolutely honest and that and er I would n't exclude myself from that particular er way of thinking because when they moved in , when you got a time for a job , erm for example there was one particular job that I was on erm and I thought that I was doing it reasonable accurately and rapidly , erm and they wanted to introduce a new fixture so that you know , I could do the whole series of faces on it .
19 Ah you see here 's somebody who 's writing about , you know , her part of the erm the interest on an er on erm and it says and provided you have no other income er that would take you over your personal allowance register for on the Inland Revenue form R eighty five , interest with no tax deductions .
20 It seems to me that however attractive this addendum is , it 's taking us away from the real issue which is about the baptism one which the bishop er also kind of brought up er and which we 've been exercising ourselves over .
21 We , we actually lived in th the corner shop is right on the corner if you 've come up High street on the bus and your Co-op would be on that corner , your church and your Co-op 's on the corner , and just turns there and I only lived just down that street , so we never had to have it delivered because we just popped up er and my brother and I , I can so remember us going with our two big bags you know and we , you know how you do when families meet you know and he 'll say that 's the time , because dad , we never knew dad hit us and yet you 'd of thought he was , we , we were so scared it must have been his voice you know , that he erm that we was so scared that everything was all correct from the Co- op .
22 I do n't I do n't believe it is erm at the mo well earlier this week a report was published by the National Commission on Education which was er an independent erm Commission that was set up erm and they they 've said that basically what we need to be doing is t if we 're trying to raise standards is to keep the idea of having an all graduate profess profession followed up by high quality for train training for teachers once they 've actually started work .
23 So what we have done is we have started something called Sailathon which is a word that Bugs made up erm and what it is is it 's , it 's an attempt to get yacht clubs , sailing clubs all round the country to do something themselves for the Sea Mission Foundation .
24 You had reached the stage where you could er you could sleep out er and you did n't er er you did n't have a soft bed if er you were you were living rough .
25 Then they 're when they come out erm and she had two erm
26 And so we get this thing back erm and we find out it 's a sheep bone and it 's from about the age of the Vikings .
27 He said it 's happened before and he advised her to go to the police and er so he , he said er when and the police st told her , when you come back we 'll have all this typed out i and she came back all with a flask all bandaged up and she said the chemist advised me to go to the police and er so she said that 's why I 've been a long time , because I 've been to the police and reported it .
28 And they go around er and you warn them about the erm the steep steps into the rooms because the oak is quite deep .
29 It 's what the job 's all about er and they are professionals and this is the work they 're trained for .
30 Cos I had studied the chart to k know something about er and I I presume I was one of the few people in New York , who knew the damn thing was on 's Island you see .
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