Example sentences of "[adv prt] [coord] say [art] " in BNC.

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1 And then Luke came in and said the fire was fine and that he 'd bashed the cushions up a bit , to make it all OK for them .
2 Frau Schmidt came in and said the gentlemen were here and please , should she bring coffee in now or later .
3 ‘ We were singing There was a Princess Long Ago and had just got to the last verse , ‘ Now everybody 's happy now ’ , when the headmistress came in and said the King had died .
4 Jean Sparse , Toddington Drive , Norton , Stockton : I was 16 years old and working in my late father 's general dealers shop in Hartlepool when a customer came in and said the King had died .
5 M.E. Railton , Harcourt Street , Hopetown , Darlington : I was working at the Broadway Cafe in Darlington when one of the customers came in and said the King had died .
6 know and get , cos lot I 've got his card all you have got to do is go in and say the name
7 Claiming that the Budget measures were wholly inadequate to deal with Britain 's jobs crisis , he reminded Mr Lamont of his often-quoted comment that unemployment was a price ‘ well worth paying ’ to get inflation down and said the Chancellor had never apologised for it .
8 and er then people were coming along and saying the woman in the sandwich shop
9 Suddenly , a complete stranger jumped up and said an impromptu prayer for John , and then another .
10 I phoned it up and says the fella had been out , you know , they change , update it
11 The time to consider whether one wishes to opt out and whether one was opposed to a certain system is always when a decision has been made , but I 'd have thought it would have been far in the interests of the people of Banbury and the children and parents of Banbury if they 'd taken full advantage of the discussion on the tertiary college and had made their opinions known , and in the light of the results coming out and say a satisfactory decision had arisen that was frankly the time to get into the business of opting out .
12 She smiled back and said the coat I 'd chosen was really pretty .
13 if he , that in the sense that if he came back and said the revolution 's already happening , all we need to do is to get
14 people and all sit out erm the landlord turned round and said no way hos , I 'm not having it there sort of thing .
15 then again all I turned round and said the bloke that I hit , he said he did n't want to press charges , but then I thought the police can bring out their own prosecution against me but they turned round and said no he does n't want to press charges so we 'll just caution you again .
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