Example sentences of "[adv prt] [coord] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Put him down or I shoot . ’
2 Each meeting ends with the moneymen all saying things like I 'm in or I want in on this or You got it or Let's do it .
3 So it 's really settling in and I 've been waiting for that to happen . ’
4 I wo , could have been off there to get it in and I 've cut it somewhere .
5 But I think I 've got to get in and I 've got to think well this next six months erm I 've got ta work hard to get in regardless of whether I go voluntary or whether I go to a hospital and learn it at me own you know , expense .
6 The train came in and I got on .
7 The father moved in and I got a full-time job in another engineering company .
8 I went into one house and er you so I came in and I got to about sort of I do n't know , roughly there I think it was and she said , do you have any objection to cats ?
9 My first department , and I went in and I got a lot of feedback from my deputy , and the branch manager to a certain extent , and I did get it from the district manager as well .
10 I put a couple of quid in and I got four pounds something cos er went and bought some fags out of the machine and then I got the er the brown note flashing , from ten P so I stopped I have stopped .
11 And he came in and I said and the mirror on the dressing table is n't done .
12 so she said I , I went in and I said to Geraldine I 'm going I owe you any bloody money take the bugger out me wages , she says I ai n't having people that I like being stabbed like that by people like that , she said she ai n't worth the salt of the earth , she 's the salt of the earth she said with people like that pointing to Jenny and Jane , no way , she said and I 'm going with my mates , I turned round and the next thing Janet and Janet and Barbara in there , when we got up the pub at twelve o'clock , course we were all having sandwiches me and Pam got the , me and er Barb got there , then Pam come in then a few more come and erm then the plumber and all that come in with them and I said oh girls we never clocked out , so I said oh well I 'm gon na have to take my key back to Steve , burst out laughing , so I said oh no I said why do n't we have a key cracking competition so of course that 's what we did we all took our keys out of our bag and we went ready for she 's a jolly good ready , steady , fellow , for she 's go and we cracked these ruddy keys and shoved them up in the air
13 scraped it all in and I said I 'll leave it in dish cos it 's a dog doggy dish went back in house and , oh what did I come back for ?
14 Well fuck when I come back up he near had the fucking front door broke trying to get it open so that they 'd come in the front and I see the kitchen door 's closed and I just walked in and I said well John the dishes or nothing 's done if you wan na go and have a look because he would n't do them .
15 erm a couple of weeks ago two came in and I said ‘ Oh , I was just going to lock up the screen ’ .
16 there was one time I dove in and I hurt my back , I sort of like keeled over , kicked well
17 ‘ I looked everywhere and could n't find anyone and we saw the trucks come here and I saw the lights on and I thought the humans were still here and I came in and I heard your voices and you 've got to come because it 's Dorcas ! ’
18 And three great big bins from from the they called them and I had three bins in my shed that I stored the barley in and I put the moisture extractor into them and it blew It had wee in it and it blew all the moisture out .
19 I were telling you about Irene , I were filling this thing in and I put right , sixty four I were gon na put sixty four , that were it .
20 I was just about to say I expect you could really make a mess if you tried and then I realized I was covered in and I 'd better shut up .
21 Dad invited him in and I followed .
22 Nigel was taken in and I waited .
23 They swarmed in and I had to have a cup that did n't match the saucer .
24 Right , a few problems yesterday , a forklift and trailer keys not being signed in and I had taking them home .
25 But I thought if that 's how they run a business So then when they , they moved house I realized they were using an ordinary saucepan to do their chips in and I had visions of fat boiling over and cos it 's gas so I bought them one a very nice deep fryer as a housewarming present .
26 We had to pay , I did my arm in and I had to damn well pay
27 While I was lying there staring at the ceiling counting the number of tiles I heard a girl going ‘ ouch , ouch that hurts ’ , when I looked over she was having difficulty with the needle going in and I noticed she was barely gripping the nice bit of perspex .
28 It required absolutely no breaking in and I wore it for the first time on a nine hour Scottish hill day during the May heatwave in complete comfort .
29 Well I went in and I says where 's me cup ?
30 I was then , cos like I done his jaw in , I done his nose in and I thought this is it .
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