Example sentences of "[adv prt] [coord] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 Frank spent most of his time with his blindfold down or under his blanket , Brian and I read and exchanged ideas , plans and insults .
2 The teacher works , whether consciously or unconsciously on his own lines and not in and for his children .
3 Aiming the shotgun as steadily as he could with his right hand despite the throbbing pain of his wounded bicep , Grant reached down and across his body with his left .
4 Lindsey saw the dark brow come down and from his thunderous expression could tell Niall was furious .
5 Lachlan heard rehearsed over and over his rages and violence .
6 The hypocrite , presented in asides and soliloquies , is given the theatrical medium that suits exactly his isolation over and against his fellow men .
7 When the scheme ended he stayed on and through his endeavours has helped to make the park a place of beauty .
8 The single-minded energy which was Besterman 's main characteristic brought him , early on and despite his lack of education , the chairmanship of the British Federation of Youth Movements ( 1925 ) .
9 He fed mints to dray horses , said hello to a caged European eagle owl called Gonzo and let two barn owls fly on and off his arm as a smiling crowd clapped and asked for autographs .
10 I , I mean Dave , I 've spent quite a lot of my time slagging him off but to his face I 'm really nice .
11 ‘ I told my Dad to keep him locked up or on his lead .
12 It ran right up and over his cheekbones , leading one to suspect that it was important for him to shave his eye sockets and forehead daily , if he wanted to avoid becoming altogether bestial .
13 His forearms were lying on the desk and his skinny torso was framed by a proscenium arch of ring binders , set on shelves that marched up and over his head .
14 Her heart thumped and her blood surged through her veins while her arms crept up and about his neck .
15 Ace was so much part of her unacknowledged dreams that it was barely a shock therefore to find herself pulled up and into his strong arms .
16 Biting off the rest , fitzAlan reached down and pulled Isabel up and into his arms .
17 He stood up and in his turn moved sharply from one side of the room to the other .
18 He looked up and round his brothers and sister .
19 The sight of such an expanse of tiny squares , flowing up and around his massive elevation , produced more of an architectural than a sartorial impression .
20 With a little sigh , she slid her arms up and around his neck , her hands caressing his nape , allowing him to pull her hard up against the delightful seduction of his manhood .
21 He could see no way out and in his anguish he began to think of doing himself in ; the method he would use would have to be quick and simple .
22 A bad accident at Mosport nearly cost him his life but he came back and on his return to England joined the new Honda team .
23 She saw the night manager as the night manager saw her , and he quickly signalled her to go around and into his office .
24 He had expected to see Mr Crangle lurking about but to his relief saw instead that it was Mcduff .
25 Late at night one of the students passed Ramsey 's room and heard strange sounds within , and it was Ramsey going round and round his table saying It is fire !
26 He walked round and round his small chamber , haranguing the walls .
27 ‘ The hammer ’ , Hortensia said , ‘ is actually a ruddy great cannon-ball on the end of a long bit of wire , and the thrower whisks it round and round his or her head faster and faster and then lets it go .
28 For a man who despaired of his appetite he was surprisingly offhand with the buck rarebit he had ordered ; he did no more than shove it round and round his plate .
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