Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] [Wh det] mr " in BNC.

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1 Rush , later to be carried off with what Mr Bonds termed a ‘ bad groin injury ’ , also had a shot turned aside by Flowers , who later flung himself to keep out a stinging shot by Allen .
2 Erm er to pick up on what Mr said , I think it 's important to differentiate between the local employment requirements of the new settlement and the strategic employment question .
3 The clean up to which Mr Bagnall referred has been physical ( refurbishment , rebadging and refitting ) , operational , and strategic .
4 Refusing leave to appeal to the House of Lords , Lord Justice Bingham said the sums claimed by Lloyd 's represented money out of which Mr Cameron-Webb had tried to cheat syndicates for which he acted .
5 Erm if I could go back to what Mr Broughton was saying .
6 Erm , could I go back to what Mr was saying , of course the main thing is , really that er , the difference in this budget and previous ones is that we are not paying projection costs million .
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