Example sentences of "[adv prt] from the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 And then they had the adits coming down from the top .
32 If the locational data are available in x , y order then , if you are familiar with BASIC or FORTRAN , or some other high-level language , it is relatively easy to write a program to reverse the order of the x , y pairs and to convert the y coordinate so that it measures distance down from the top of the page rather than distance up from the bottom .
33 So if you have a look at the idea of communication flowing down from the top of the structure lower down then w what 's that communication going to be including ?
34 Okay so directions , instructions , orders , flowing down from the top of the structure to the bottom of the structure and perhaps also some feedback as well .
35 Today when you look down from the top of the mountain which once provided jobs for 85 per cent of the male population you 're looking down on one of the poorest cities in Bolivia.When the price of tin crashed on the world markets in 1985 the state mines were closed down and 25,000 people lost their jobs .
36 down from the top of the steps to the path , just what I wanted
37 It 's all in , I mean the days are down from the top to the bottom .
38 So about four rungs down from the top I stop .
39 ‘ The other must come down from the Ridgery . ’
40 Without a moment 's hesitation she jumped down from the platform of the bus , as the driver slammed on the brakes , swearing : ‘ Make up yer bleeding mind , for Gawd 's sake ! ’
41 There were no fewer than four courses of bricks at the base ( good old Victorian quality there ! ) and they remain , stepped down from the platform side to the railway side .
42 I eased my Way through the crowds that were watching Midwinter climb down from the platform .
43 Stories simply handed down by word of mouth over that length of time are likely to be less accurate than those written down from the beginning .
44 As she looked down from the stand , the horses for the third race , a handicap over six furlongs , were filing out on to the racecourse .
45 At times my sleepy little daughter was brought down from the nursery and stood on a stool while John draped pieces of material on her and showed me how he wanted the costume move and flow , and so help to illustrate what he wanted to express and convey to an audience .
46 ‘ I climbed into the little turret down from the Bird .
47 In part he is swayed by fear of his fate at the hands of the enraged seamen : in part he is driven by an awakening of conscience as painful as the circulation returning to the frozen body of Thomas Fox when he is brought down from the masthead .
48 ‘ When one 's first married , ’ he says , ‘ when one 's first down from the university , one keeps striking attitudes .
49 A professor came down from the university to investigate the project .
50 They would be perhaps regarded as thick as two short planks , er they would not be happy , they would be struggling to do work that was not honestly within their capacities , that being the case , they would almost certainly have to go down from the University .
51 The Khmer Rouge also comes down from the north through Preah Vihear to Kompong Thom , Kratie and Kompong Cham .
52 At the point where the river Adige flows down from the north , bringing traffic from the north , from the Brenner pass and Bavaria and Austria , the city of Verona nestled in a pear-shaped bend in the river .
53 On numerous occasions massive Orc armies have swept down from the north , destroying the towns and cities of Kislev and invading the northern provinces of the Empire .
54 If people coming down from the North wearing British Coal Rugby League jumpers think they 're travelling away from home and the event is rather special , imagine the feelings of an Australian as he goes up that long concourse to the Vatican of the inflated rubber bladder .
55 Coming from the lake , or down from the north , all the goods had to be unloaded because of the impassable barrier of the Rhine Falls , then taken to the waiting vessels on the other side .
56 Similarly , in 1469 he speaks of the rising against Edward IV as a whirlwind coming down from the North ( 14 , pp.531 , 542 ) .
57 Susan made him climb down from the organ and walk over to her , but his uncoordinated limbs reminded her too much of the zombies in Corin Santangelo 's horror Dream Eyeball Gougers from Italy .
58 All things have drawbacks , however , and the sulphurous fumes wafting down from the crater were distinctly smelly , and the occupants of the tunnel awoke in the morning with headaches and mouths that tasted like the bottom of a parrot 's cage .
59 A switchback rush as the path dipped down from the field and then up into the wood , and she was again whizzing towards the gate leading to the next field .
60 Then , in gathering darkness , drop down from the ridge to Dore Head , where a steep descent leads rapidly back to the security of the valley for that welcome pint at the Wasdale Head Inn .
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