Example sentences of "[adv prt] but we [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We were n't knuckling down but we started working more because we were n't fucking bossed about .
2 But you see the We 'd got no stall that end open to us and no stall that end , and the gate was down but we working to breakthrough to get some fresh air through from there .
3 I mean , I know , but Colin ai n't been down much this week , because Colin 's been working , he 's been working every day and that , you know what I mean , it 's been a bit hard for us to get down but we tried .
4 So last night , I thought , I wo n't do anything till he comes in but we 'd got company and er , they went outside , they were having a look at car engine and that , telling us what were wrong , you know .
5 It was in a terrible state when we moved in but we cleaned it up and made it quite homely .
6 Well we start we start we do put the number in but we start off with .
7 People walking in but we need to need to clearly define the areas and if it 's that the national account department at has this list of corporate clients then maybe it makes sense that the national account manager responsible for deals with those also
8 ‘ It takes the pressure off but we realise it 's going to get harder .
9 A second goal would have killed them off but we did n't manage to get it .
10 ‘ It had been bloody hard because we were sleeping with each other from very early on but we had always agreed not to get physical because I knew we should n't , ’ he said .
11 But one , one of the coloured chaps where Tasha works said he was he 'd been to one of these Blind Dates , he was on but we have n't come across him yet have we ?
12 The XJ speeds north over the road-bridge , no lights or siren on but we clip along and it 's the smoothest fucking motorway journey I 've ever had ; just a total hassle-free zone creaming along around the ton with no worries about unmarked police cars and hoo-wee the traffic in front of us just fucking evaporates ; man , just brakes ( and wobbles sometimes as the guy probably gets the cold sweats and the wo-where'd-my-stomach-go ? feeling ) , swings meekly left and brakes again ; you 've never seen a beefy BMW 5-series duck in so fast in your life ; might as well all be driving 2CVs .
13 We locked the house up but we thought we were going back .
14 He was waiting for the mountain rescue team to pick him up but we had no idea he was there and neither did anyone else . ‘
15 Yeah , but the thing is i we can get the steel er and make them up but we do n't have to put them on till later .
16 So we just write it up but we do n't actually
17 It might do , no not in our branch , well yeah , alright it does n't crop up but we have other words for it .
18 The jukebox ran itself out but we had a good , old knees-up .
19 He let us muck around but we had to get the work in at the end of the week . ’
20 Ten minutes flew by but we managed to unpack , have a quick wash and change .
21 ‘ It has been a tough year all round but we have managed to complete a number of objectives and it is important that all employees continue to appreciate the value of environmental and health and safety issues . ’
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