Example sentences of "[adv prt] that he [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Although the rules laid down that he could not directly intervene he hissed at the hen who dutifully shrieked out a loud distress call .
2 She was right in that he should have either let her die or executed her .
3 Fabia had known all along that he would be furious if he ever found out .
4 Mr Crumwallis had said earlier on that he might .
5 had actually taken him on that he used to know years ago and had finished the
6 First , do we really accept that a man in the act of undressing suddenly decides halfway through that he will hang himself and goes up to the garret without his boots on to carry out the terrible act ?
7 He was so dazed by all he had just been through that he could n't think straight .
8 he said at the time that as soon as his international career was over that he could go back to Blackheath and see them right .
9 In fact , he was so eager to be off that he would have left it in the street if I had not insisted that he should take the coals to his mother . ’
10 Police were tipped off that he would be at the wedding in Bradford .
11 They had been tipped off that he could be staying with friends in South-west London .
12 My sympathies , however , were very much with the wretched fellow who had the courage to own up that he could not face the prospect any longer of flying against a lethal enemy .
13 He gave out that he would hold a great meeting and that at that meeting he would give a present to every animal and bird , to make each one different from the rest And all the creatures set out to go to the meeting-place .
14 And then he pointed out that he would need me to translate for him with students and the authorities .
15 And if it turned out that he would n't , then dragons were always hungry and needed to be fed regularly .
16 When it was pointed out that he would need a telescope to see it from there , he replied that being an ex-naval man , he never looked at anything without the use of a telescope .
17 If people are nearby , draw their attention to what is going on , so that it 's no longer a case of one to one ; or ridicule the offending performer , pointing out that he may catch cold if he does n't take care ( provided that you feel instinctively confident that such a tactic will not enrage him ) .
18 Word is out that he may be in the same class as Chris Armstrong , sold to Palace for £1m after just a handful of games .
19 In his anxiety on finding out that he could be deprived of his commission , Scott had rushed into print , without properly considering the effect of his letter on others .
20 It may well be pointed out that he could have taken a safer route but this was not possible .
21 He afterwards kept telephoning other Harvard dealers , pointing out that he could say what he wanted on the phone in his new place of employment as the calls were unrecorded .
22 Indeed , most clients would have shown their appreciation , at the time of sale , of the dealer 's fairness in pointing out that he could make no guarantees .
23 Well , he would soon find out that he could n't ! she decided fiercely .
24 ( Dulcie Howes pointed out that he should have written ‘ borders ’ , the theatre term for the cloths which mask the ‘ flies ’ — platforms above the stage — from public view .
25 ‘ He told me a fortnight before he came out that he 'd be coming to me . ’
26 Carol called him again and he called back that he would n't be long .
27 And it is by the quality of these records that he brings back that he will ultimately be judged .
28 His reception by the sisters was heart-warming , and there was regret all round that he could not stay any time , that haste was vital .
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