Example sentences of "[adv prt] that [pron] had " in BNC.

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1 Such a theory could enable Tories not only to by-pass James , but also the next heir , Mary , whilst maintaining all along that they had never broken their principles of non-resistance .
2 Oh yes er I think somebody kept it around father 's day , a chap named , but it was a beautiful old place and he always , because my father always used to erm start off about seven o'clock in the morning to walk down to Walkers and er call in at the White Hart because they were open at six o'clock in the morning , for a rum and coffee for about tuppence or thruppence , then he always used to er go to his mother 's for his breakfast and er he used to go down and see all the men start off and then , then slip over to his mother 's , she lived on the Road and er she , for years and years this went on that he had his break he never had his breakfast at home he 'd start off going down there and come back to his mother 's , but he always stopped at the White Hart for his rum and coffee
3 Yes , yes , oh yes I 've well you know the fires on that I had in all the winter I 'm going to get on that today .
4 was taken on that she had one immediately sh , we lost dad
5 The forest corridor through which the elephants were to walk was so heavily logged over that it had disappeared in some places .
6 Gradually , repeating over and over that there had to be a simple explanation , he had summoned up enough confidence to take hold of the note again , and the feather .
7 ‘ When we split up I was really pissed off that we had n't achieved a lot of things we could have done , and that mood was coming through in the last records because it was depressing .
8 Outwardly , I criticised them as much as anybody , feeling more than pissed off that we had been hit on their account .
9 ‘ Everything 5 kg and up that we had already measured the energetics of . ’
10 But it finally ended up that we had the whole thing Rousay Egilsay and Wyre .
11 The auditors picked up that we had a pink purchase order form which was neither a commissioning letter nor a contract .
12 He said when Mr McKay 's sick note was sent in it was not picked up that it had anything to do with the accident .
13 One librarian felt so hard up that she had begun looking for bargains at car boot sales — ‘ Adrian Mole in mint condition for 20p ’ — a practice which raises many questions about funding our schools .
14 When I found out that we had been placed next to each other in class with all my friends around I went , ‘ Oh no , I 'm sitting next to Grant ’ .
15 We had never consciously allocated days to each other ; it had just turned out that we had grabbed them and put our stamp on them .
16 Wedgie [ Tony Benn ] then made what I found a very effective speech , pointing out that we had got to look at the problem in domestic as well as international terms .
17 The day before we were going to fly we were putting the airplane together — it was a Sunday — and we found out that we had forgotten to make the flanges that held the tailpipe to the airplane .
18 Vicky pointed out that we had deposited our own jewellery in the safe in our room and that other guests had probably done the same .
19 It must be pointed out that we had already hoped to make at least £1000 at the Annual Reunion so this means a bigger and better Christmas Fayre and a rise in the cost of tickets .
20 and we balance it out that we had to built the caravan , the deadline we had to tow it across there in back end of March .
21 She said , well we had to bu we , ma made it out that we had to buy erm the whole , the whole box , it cost them fifty pounds !
22 While the Law Society confirmed that the service had been cleared by its Standards and Guidance Committee in 1990 , a spokeswoman was quick to point out that they had not endorsed the company in any way .
23 It turned out that they had instead invested in an airline which never took off , a college that had no students , and a luxury yacht .
24 Girls who are very aware of parental disapproval may not feel able to take this step and also not want to run the risk of parents somehow finding out that they had gone to the doctor or the clinic .
25 The closed blades were not smeared with blood , and nothing about the scissors screamed out that they had taken a human life .
26 It turned out that they had come to consult me .
27 He pointed out that they had from the start prosecuted a vigorous trial even though cross-courses had led to " vast expense " and that they were , as spiritedly as ever , carrying on " bold works " .
28 William pointed out that they had their reputation to consider ; French passion met British indomitability , and Auguste yielded .
29 She did n't point out that they had to go back the way they had come , and when he reached into the back and handed her a water container she drank gladly .
30 To be seriously concerned with this field was to expose oneself to the possibility of ridicule when it turned out that one had been deceived by a clever confidence trickster ; at best it led to controversy , to results which were suggestive rather than conclusive , and away from those straightforward and answerable questions which since Galileo 's time had been the essence of scientific research .
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