Example sentences of "[adv prt] to [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 C C T to some extend preceded the recession because it brought on members down to conditions that other people are now suffering .
2 The factors will come down to ones that will determine whether the person , male-female , tall-short , black-white , local or external is electable .
3 When he came down to Hillmarden that Friday night he did not , mercifully , refer to her mid-week sortie .
4 The lake is a wild , bare place , certainly not a serene one , with scree and pine trees running down to water that is clear and dark .
5 We urge the Government to go much further through the introduction of Strategic Environmental Assessment techniques to bring aggregates consumption down to levels that are environmentally and socially acceptable .
6 We urge the Government to go much further through the introduction of Strategic Environmental Assessment techniques to bring aggregates consumption down to levels that are environmentally and socially acceptable .
7 At the end of the promenade they could take a flight of steps down to rocks that were slippery with seaweed , and clamber over them until they reached the shingle .
8 Such questions as these receive quite disparate answers , ranging from claims that all these legal practices can be explained by a new principle , such as the protection of reliance , through to denials that anything significant has happened .
9 The audience were a comic 's dream and when Dennie came back on stage and whispered ‘ two minutes to count-down ’ I ran off to applause that made me feel like Mike Tyson .
10 Half-way down the great boulevard a fakir shouted up to Dara that previously he had always been generous to the poor ; but now he understood that Dara had nothing to give .
11 Partly in you , you know , that , that , that , that likes a challenge and you like to step up to things that are difficult and you can summon up your courage very easily and oth some people have more difficulty .
12 I must add in all honesty and so we must face up to things that the churches at any rate in their public and visible life are in just the same state .
13 Luke shouted up to Anna that he would take Flora in , and then walk on to the sixth-form college .
14 Do not they also draw attention to the willingness of some countries and some parties to sign up to measures that they have no intention of implementing ?
15 Open stone staircases swept up to bedrooms that bristled with floor-to-ceiling windows .
16 Once NT is installed in a NetWare LAN , Microsoft will have the opportunity to point out to users that NetWare ( especially pre-version 4 ) is largely superfluous . ’
17 ‘ Take Me , I 'm Yours ’ , an eight-minute guitar tirade later had its name shortened to ‘ Take Me ! ’ ( although it was actually lengthened in playing time to nine minutes on the LP ) after the 100th person pointed out to Gedge that Squeeze had a song of the same name .
18 A presentation to college lecturers by the British Hospitality Association 's contract catering panel , urged them to point out to students that career opportunities in the sector were excellent .
19 Thirdly , if you had refused , I would have told you I intended to point out to Kenamun that the door of the stall in which Merymose was found had been opened .
20 James had won the first round , though , suffering agonies of seasickness , he was in no mood to celebrate , while Admiral de Forbin , in an excess of caution , stood so far out to sea that they overshot their intended destination , Leith in the Firth of Forth , and instead made their landfall 60 miles [ 96 km ] north of Aberdeen and 150 [ 240 km ] from the real objective .
21 Ambulance crews witness scenes like these every day , now , after being called out to accidents that could easily have been prevented they 're trying to do something about it .
22 Walsh pointed out to Sutton that it was he , and not Pilger , who had the final say about what went in the paper .
23 Looking tired and drawn as she paid a visit to the homes in Wirral and Warrington , she was quick to point out to photographers that she 'd had an early start .
24 But they will be quick to point out to ministers that ‘ helping the poorest ’ can often lead to poverty and unemployment traps , as any state benefit aimed just at low-income households will discourage them from earning more or getting a job if it is withdrawn as soon as they do so .
25 Pahdra Singh handled his on-air interview brilliantly , and pointed out to Labone that grandstands are not insured against theft .
26 In relation to appraisals , it must again be pointed out to members that the completion of numeric targets is purely on a voluntary basis .
27 May I just point out to members that er , we are making , Smallwood are making a very considerable contribution this time .
28 Could I point out to members that we did have er written replies to try and speed up the question process , could I ask members both in asking the question and especially in answering , not to make it another speech occasion because otherwise it destroys the whole purpose of having the written replies .
29 Thank you Chairman , could I I just point out to members that the working ground information on existing flight levels being made publicly available is already included in the little resolution , resolution little six on your original paper , ballot example .
30 Here , here , I second that on H on page thirty one very important one , the county council welcomes the recognition by the joint working party of the importance of meaningful support services to the elected members and the recomme recommendation that the Secretary of State should review and clarify the powers of local authorities to meet costs of services provided to members to enable them to carry out their duties as councillors Now the erm members appointments , appointments of member services sub have been discussing this issue and I would like to point out to members that we are not claiming the amount allowable for the paying members allowances we erm we 're way below the limit that 's allowable by the government Now before anyone say well what have you done about it ?
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