Example sentences of "[adv prt] and that they " in BNC.

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1 Many people will not realise that there is a property element built in and that they qualify only for the 25 per cent .
2 The decline in inflation and the recovery of real incomes was read , quite naturally , as a sign that the emergency was over and that they could safely assert their ‘ rights ’ .
3 Joy said that this really was n't on and that they must pull up at the side of the road and try to find some stones or something with which to wedge the coffin .
4 It is the belief of at least some hypnotherapists that the inability of some patients to be hypnotized is due to their subconscious fear that they will be unable to cope with what may come up and that they might go to pieces .
5 I think that they may be frightened to speak up and that they 're scared that if they say something that they do n't know , like a lot of them do n't know the facts , like today , in the same class as Janine across there , some of them did n't know even the very the pro , progression of the male pill or anything like that , and they did learn a few things but a again they never spoke up and they were n't interested , but I
6 ‘ They believe girls should not speak up and that they should let their parents control their lives .
7 We must ensure that the territorials have a much more satisfactory and satisfying role in the future and that those who wish to make themselves available in such an emergency have that offer taken up and that they are readily called upon in such times of emergency .
8 This holds that society is nothing more than the individuals who make it up and that they can be described , as causal agents in the social situation , solely with regard to their individual psychology and to nothing else .
9 I 'm very happy that they 've been picked up and that they will now be on their way to Chile .
10 They found that the swamp was forcing them back and that they could no longer keep even an erratic southward course but were withdrawing towards the east , away from where they believed the Outlaws ' Camp lay .
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