Example sentences of "[adv prt] and if they " in BNC.

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1 Villages are expensive to live in and if they are to become vibrant communities again , local people must be able to earn enough to be able to continue living in them .
2 That was gathering it in and if they were putting it into little into tramp coles I had to get up and tramp hay round and round the boss and er I did that .
3 Is I think we probably do need as Mr suggested to move number one suggested resolutions , erm now if the Liberal Democrats won places in and if they 'd rather have the work noted proceed to proceed by something sinister .
4 We did this or we shut down and if they wanted the latter we should shut down our plants immediately .
5 Fourthly that each child on that action plan would have outlined where they would hope to go and following that have found out what the requirements are , the possible pathway through and if they are n't sure , I was gon , what I was gon na ask was , if I could have a careers teacher in to talk to form about possible pathway through , i in the general terms so they 've got these four outcomes there .
6 And erm my used to tell me about er when they were serving their time , all the apprentices used to clump their work on a Monday afternoon to go to the panopticon And at that particular time , they had turns on and if they did n't like them they pelted them with tomatoes and oranges and they had a big hook for for pulling them off the stage .
7 What , what people had , had Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday and they perhaps came for their order on the , or their weekend joint on the Friday and I 'd make the whole ticket up and they 'd pay and then that ticket would be torn off and if they wanted that meat delivered on the Saturday , that would be delivered with that ticket on the top .
8 If one stops for a piss the rest might catch up and if they do they will either fall straight over him so that you finish with a ball of dogs that will take forever to unwind , or they will take lumps out of him .
9 The BMC , therefore , urges all climbers interested in Range West to note that there are still matters to be cleared up and if they wish to obtain a pass to climb legitimately within the Range , then they will have to attend the safety briefings which have been organised for their benefit .
10 They are clearly set out and if they are flouted we can not accept it . ’
11 why they do n't change over in this country because we 're the odd one out and if they make cars they 've got ta make them with the steering wheel one side or the other
12 They were brilliant times to live in he then me uncle Ed come on leave , from France , yeah I had a look at his rifle he used to bring all his equipment cos they did n't know if the units had moved when they got back and if they used to be lucky enough to get a leave , they used to have to bring all their equipment with them you see and he used to bring his rifle , everything on leave , and I , I always remember asking him why he had n't , if he 'd killed any Germans , why he had n't got any notches on his rifle he erm
13 Like I said , nine out of ten if I touch my brakes they 'll drop back and if they do n't then there ai n't nothing I 'm gon na do that 's gon na make them drop back .
14 The sergeant was chasing you round and if they came round and saw you coming out of a shop , you had to have a good explanation .
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