Example sentences of "[adv prt] and [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I sold three and one of the reasons why and I think we got tremendous opportunity to develop an enormous part by just going in and speaking to people to explain to and they can relate to write lots and lots of and you can get a good grip we wo n't do it overnight , it is something you have got to develop .
2 The funds used in and accruing from these transactions were debited and credited to accounts of the taxpayer bank with overseas banks and it was the profits from these transactions which the commissioner sought to tax .
3 Stop coming in and looking like a gun merchant . ’
4 you know one popping in and looking after , I find that easier than just putting them down to sleep
5 he 's bound to be coming in and wanting to be starting that job
6 A Heron adviser said yesterday the asset protection measures had been put in place to prevent somebody ‘ charging in and acting in a way that does n't benefit all creditors ’ .
7 It came in a stone mug , deliciously cold and wiping out in one mouthful the heat of the morning and the traces of last night 's headache ( he wondered briefly how the Engineer regiment was getting on in its battle positions ; by now they should be dug in and pausing for sips of lukewarm water or barely warmer tea .
8 I mean , you expect to be going in and listening to Bon Jovi and , and Free , and you know in the background do n't you ?
9 The easier alternative for video is to record the scene as a two-shot ( page 73 ) , the static nature of which can be relieved by discreetly zooming in and panning between the two speakers from time to time and then zooming back to the two-shot .
10 And what I want to do is , as the moment where I 'm going in and teaching in the area that I am I do n't mind the learning support bit , I do n't mind the fact that the chil er the , the , yeah , yeah
11 She had n't complained about pain after that first night when she insisted on moving in and living with him permanently .
12 Every kind of wonderful bird was flying in and perching on the branches of the great tree , and as soon as one landed a Minpin would climb onto its back and off they would go .
13 ‘ That 's what the whole thing about the Pete Cornish involvement for me , ’ continues Bryan , ‘ because I was sick of coming in and plugging into an amp and going , ‘ Oh , how do you get rid of that bloody hum ? ’
14 Adding this in and multiplying by a factor of 2 produces the delay for the round trip Earth Venus-Earth : .
15 What we are suggesting is that such an education does not add up to learning to be independent , to participating in and contributing to one 's own community , either as a child or later as an adult , as the aims of education purport .
16 ‘ I thought he 'd be man enough to — ’ but Leith had other things on her mind and wasted no time cutting in and going into orbit .
17 To relax would mean giving in and conceding to a common prejudice which does nothing to enhance women 's esteem .
18 But one thing , on behalf of the museum services , I would like to thank Doreen Griffiths for the help she gave us in our exhibition , ’ Memories of Change ’ , which you can see in the exhibition room over there , and she contributed a lot of photographs , and her memories , and allowed herself to be taped and have her memories in our archive , and for that we give her a great thank , because it 's not always easy for the , sometimes for the first time to begin talking into a tape-recorder , so we thank her very much , and thank you very much for coming in and performing for us today !
19 as long as it is a round trip commencing in and returning to the United Kingdom .
20 Malcolm also slowly moved into made-to-measure tailoring , probably because of teddy boys coming in and asking for stuff to be made up .
21 And this Mr was so taken aback , by me going in and asking for a job , and they 'd always advertised in the paper before , that he said , Well , she must want work if she 's gone after it .
22 Generations of the same familyes have worked at Cowley , in recent years the numbers employed have declined , two of the works are due to close he says , The opening of Act 2 is a song which dela swith the lethargy that is seeping in and coming to terms with being out of work .
23 Sail trim is n't simply a question of pulling everything in and forgetting about it as the sail works at its maximum at any one angle to the wind .
24 I asked had a very heated discussion erm where I si wanting to be having the careers teachers in and working with the forms etcetera and doing it , the er job wise and he would n't entertain at all
25 The Diocesan Advisory Committee and the local Planning Authority have given the go-ahead for a Faculty from the Chancellor of the Diocese to install a new heating system in St. John 's , and hopefully , it will be in and working by the time next winter comes .
26 But there were some good memories , particularly of one Polish vessel after we had rescued their lifeboat , broken down and drifting in adverse weather in the outer reaches of the lock with the mate and several crewmen on board .
27 ‘ Do n't remind me what floor it is , lady , ’ Broomhead said quickly , jumping down and reaching for his horse 's nosebag which was strapped beneath the seat .
28 William Davis , Chairman of the British Tourist Authority , says overseas visitors are still coming but they 're trading down and looking for bargains .
29 For actually glancing down and looking at a clock
30 I looked out of the window and it was the back garden of Dr Jane 's house , and when Mrs Pitt came up to serve me and I complained Dr Jane laughed , and it was really Dr Jane all the time and the whole place was horrible and dark and dirty and when I got outside to follow my friends the ones who were usually in the dream there were n't any people and we were in a sort of studio and the village and the inn it was so obvious now I felt a fool for going in and sitting down and expecting to be served was the crudest sort of cardboard stage set like a model for a child 's history lesson and the colours were horrible and it smelt of a sort of horrible glue and — —
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