Example sentences of "[adv prt] [conj] he [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 At 5' 9 ’ and eight stone , Desiree took Tyson out for the big count and put him down where he belongs .
2 Perhaps you really wounded his pride when you turned him down so he wants to see you humiliated . ’
3 He comes over ours at Christmas and he does my head in cos he keeps on kicking me at the dinner table !
4 Sudden thought — if I follow him to whatever rat-hole he lives in and he rapes me , in court they 'll say ‘ You did what , Miss Marquis ?
5 If you have n't guessed , the last time he was in was in and he does n't trust folk to actually select Parliamentary candidates .
6 Where he comes in and he does that piss and he 's and Madonna 's standing there looking at him like this and she 's just looking at him and she 's going , anyone who can keep it up that long and he 's just sitting there going er no he 's going er and she 's going , she 's going , and she 's coming round like that trying to look at him , I could n't stop laughing .
7 The Angel of Death looks in and he says : ‘ You 've got five minutes to get your clean nightdress on , and arrange your effects , and put the cat out , and tear up that compromising letter , and then I 'll be back for you . ’
8 A man walked in and he says hello to John and that and how 's it going and that , he came into see you and I sat , I mean I came in
9 I this morning , I was telling you , he come in and he says to her , how come you 're still awake ?
10 and he was saying to me er , he says Jean I says I live and learn and er he says , you know when he says , he talks through his nose , he says you know if they had 've left Sandy Row the way it was and just put bathrooms in and he says and the way it is
11 Yeah but the new rules for our age group is you have half of the scrum and then you have the scrumhalf and he puts the ball in and he goes back to his side does n't he ?
12 No he came over to the study , he came over to the study and he said er he comes in and he goes
13 And he clips them in and he goes all over the cars .
14 we followed him over to Albans and I walked in and he goes , he goes oh it 's my disciples
15 But you know you 'll always get the chap that comes along and lifts the guard to get his hand in and he loses a finger and he blames that he blames the firm .
16 At parties he does not join in and he gets very upset when you try to do anything with him because he gets frustrated . ’
17 he takes a tape in and he records
18 I was walking in and he comes past on my bike on his bike , not my bike .
19 look at that , she 's just fastened James in and he 's undone his straps
20 It 's about oh , it 's , it 's over a year since he packed in and he 's tri applied for hundreds of jobs .
21 Yeah well two of mine did go in , one 's gone out into the fire service and the other one has stayed in and he 's got , he , he 's been doing very well , he 's been in a big big comprehensive school up in Runcorn , and then he 's been seconded to Cheshire County to the advisory service for a couple of years and so , hello !
22 My er , circumstances are entirely different , I am the person who 's being cared for and my husband died in nineteen eighty seven , and my son in nineteen eighty eight and I was left with my young son , and he looked after me on his own , and then my daughter who li , I was living in Ireland , my daughter lived in England , and she decided it was n't good enough that it should all be left to him , so we had a long talk and we discussed it at length for two weeks at Christmas , and then they all moved Sou , over here , we got a house in Scotland , and I 'm looked after by my young son and my daughter , and since then a year ago my daughter got married , her husband moved in and he looks after me as well , so I 'm looked after by three young adults .
23 Oh I went down and he says to me have you got my Blind Fury ?
24 It 's only c I go down and he answers the door , I say Jim !
25 Hunt , a £150,000 signing from Kettering 22 months ago , scored 14 goals until he was dumped into the reserves by Keegan who added : ‘ He has worked hard , he 's knuckled down and he deserves his place . ’
26 Recently it broke down and he has been told that it could cost up to £400 to get him mobile again .
27 Yeah , outside , it 's like my pram , I mean , I was , Stacey was going in hospital last year to have her adeno adenoids out and Sue was having him and I thought well , he was too big for his carrycot , but take the pram down and he 's got nothing to sleep in and er , I put him in it , it been six months since it was do well since he started using it , so I give that a good going over and the pram wheels come up lovely
28 As he looks down and he sees it all , everything has been done .
29 ( He turns away , lies down if he likes .
30 He lies down if he hears the National Anthem .
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