Example sentences of "[adv prt] [conj] see [conj] " in BNC.

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1 They just walked in and saw that you had posters up and
2 I was passing when I saw the gates not shut properly , so I thought I 'd best come in and see if everything was all right at the house … ’
3 Let's have a look in and see if your brains are expanding or what 's happening in here .
4 I 'll take that in and see if I can get one fitted .
5 I said to go in and see and I said to him go and see the bear , and with that Dave knocked on the door .
6 ‘ Do you want to go in and see if any of your family are there ? ’
7 You used to look in and see if he was awake .
8 We 're just by an inn now — the Half Moon — and I 'll go in and see if they 've got a conveyance of any sort .
9 I 'll go in and see if Jack 's still there .
10 First Man looked down and saw that he was naked , and hurried away to find fig leaves to cover himself …
11 They tiptoe down and see that he 's got it open , all right , but he 's lying there dead .
12 It 's floating poke it down and see if it 'll reach , it 'll go to the bottom , that 's it it 's on the bottom , oh no it jumped up , it 's a definite floater that one .
13 Afterwards , George asked me to come down and see if I could talk some sense into you .
14 ‘ I 'd best go down and see if I can help , I suppose . ’
15 I 'd like you to look along and see if they go to that line and stop and they g you can see some over here .
16 ‘ Would you like me to pop along and see if she 's finished ? ’
17 See the thing is , what they 've said to me , because I 've been away now for nearly two years erm I 'd have to go back and do all the training again , which is a bit of a pain but its not too bad because I 've done it before sort of thing , she said to me oh yeah when you go I , I might come along and see if I like it , and we can do the training together she said , I manage to put her off that idea , manage to talk her out of that .
18 Helen turned the picture over and saw that Dorothy had pencilled on the back ‘ 18 lbs Laxtons ; 27 lbs Coxes . ’
19 Let intuition take over and see whether you can find some promising lines , passing through several of these points .
20 Mark : I 'll turn it over and see if it works .
21 Then we can turn it on and see if it all works .
22 Dad , try this on and see if it fits .
23 Put your hand on and see if it 's sticks on like burning flesh .
24 Let's go on and see whether you can pick it up .
25 gon na say a word , I 'm gon na wait on and see if he says anything and er she got
26 He closed the zip , looked for a gun to finish Patrick off and saw that they were all in use .
27 The other best bit about sleeping with Marie is waking up and seeing if she 's awake .
28 Chrissie looked up and saw that Jack was wearing his jacket .
29 One very hot morning , when she was about nine years old , she woke up and saw that instead of Kamala there was a different Indian servant by her bed .
30 Alexei looked up and saw that Kadan was laughing openly .
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