Example sentences of "[adv prt] [conj] i did " in BNC.

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1 I used to get them various gigs at the Marquee Club in Wardour Street and the Roundhouse , and some dates at universities throughout the country , but there was n't an awful lot coming in although I did succeed in getting him a TV appearance and the producer , who was a good friend of mine , said , ‘ I 'll not have this guy on my programme with long hair ’ . ’
2 She had spoken to her about it , not sharply , of course — she could never do that — but with disappointment to which Gemma had calmly replied , " Mother , I told you all along that I did n't want to live in the country .
3 ‘ There was this group unity we had to have that I felt lost in and I did n't really relate to .
4 Well , see these are the ones that I sent in and I did n't think they would , they would agree with because they were duplicates unless they found the original .
5 And it 's something to do with getting the num the , the system so you 've got zeros in and I did n't understand what the heck it was on about .
6 Yeah I know I know it 's got a lot of milk in and I did ask for it for you , but she still give me one like that .
7 And I was reading , I was n't even doing anything , I was just sitting reading and the teacher walked in and I did n't hear him .
8 Yes it goes like that , like you say , you know , it 's come in and I did n't have nothing to lose and things were going well , then there 's been a bit of a lull and erm like I say , we 've worked hard and we 've like with following in on this save earlier on .
9 ‘ He caught me on my right thigh , my left foot came down and I did the splits .
10 I must confess I gobbled the meat down and I did n't notice the bone until it was too late .
11 had a message saying the mailer was about to shut down and I did n't want to lose what I 'd typed in .
12 I just kept working harder and harder as I did n't want to let anyone down and I did n't believe I would pick up a drink again .
13 I did n't look it I just stood there apparently fucking splattered against the wall , dribbled down and I did n't fucking .
14 ‘ You would n't feel that I was letting you down if I did n't go to veterinary college ? ’ she asked — and felt the happiest she had done in weeks at his reply .
15 And I kept my foot down until I did .
16 He 'ad a knife and said he 'd do me in if I did n't tell him why we steamed the letter open .
17 When I left in here at the when the receivers come in I got a wee job in Centre , up the town , and I had , I could have got a job in a hosiery in but I did n't fancy travelling down there , so I took that wee job up there .
18 Oh fucking hell , I was gon na try and remember some of the questions to bring in but I did n't .
19 No sooner had I selected wheels down than I noticed that the port wheel had not come right down because I did not get a green light on that side of the undercarriage indicator .
20 I could walk as fast as I ever did but I tended to roll my shoulders and turn my three-toed foot in as I did so .
21 " Lucky I come along when I did !
22 ‘ Yes , such a day , and to stroll along as I did so many times in the old days .
23 My immediate fear was being banned from going on so I did n't mention the problem .
24 To me all the cows looked similar — small and black all over although I did recognize that some had longer horns and a few had none at all .
25 I lay on my back thinking deliberately how lovely it would be when it was over and I did n't have to worry any more .
26 exercise some option to , to switch it over and I did n't need the cash at the time
27 I went straight over and I did n't get up for about ten minutes .
28 I screamed and pulled with all my might , shaking my hands and my head and throwing myself backwards and over as I did so , banging one knee off the gun where it lay , fallen in the sand .
29 I 've just got the buttons to put on and I did n't have any wool and I thought what shall I start knitting , jumpers and things for school cos she starts the middle school in September
30 on and I did n't I said to him I 'll come and meet you a I said you can come to the hall cos that 's ever so light through there
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