Example sentences of "[adv prt] [conj] [that] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I liked that about him : he never assumed the kettle was on or that I was free .
2 He admits that he took the vehicle , but says that it was already damaged when he got in or that it was not damaged when he left the scene and that it must have been damaged by someone who took it later .
3 Many people will not realise that there is a property element built in and that they qualify only for the 25 per cent .
4 Only the walls heard this delirious talk , but I was suddenly seized by a guilty fear , and became convinced that the two children were taking it in and that it was ringing in Aisha 's ears at work , and I rushed to pack my suitcase before she came back .
5 It seems to me highly likely that the killer had locked himself in and that he got away during that fifteen minutes . ’
6 wo woken up and heard her come in and that he 's had her standing in front of him and the old finger 's been going , exactly what he 's doing now , he 's done it with his
7 She did not even realize her hair had come down and that she had lost her hat until she found herself leaning against a wall somewhere on the other side of St Jude 's Passage , her lungs bursting , her temples and her pulses hammering out their distress , her whole appearance wild and dishevelled and attracting not the least attention in that place which-no matter what might have befallen her — had seen it all before .
8 ‘ If it becomes worse you 'll wish you 'd put your foot down and that she was in Hastings Hospital , ’ Silas said .
9 Well I think the er right honourable gentleman knows for both I and my right honourable friend the chancellor have made the position quite clear , that the extra value added tax is a vital part of our policies to get public borrowing down but that we will be offering help to people who are vulnerable .
10 Let them know that you are always delighted to have them drop in but that it is the responsibility for having children on their own you find too much .
11 We want to safeguard the special beauty of our countryside and make sure that it is not only pleasant to walk in but that it is safe too .
12 Well i that was to sort of try and make you focus on the gifts of the Holy Spirit that we 're going to receive , that we receive through or that you have strengthened through Confirmation , rather than receiving because they 're already there .
13 The decline in inflation and the recovery of real incomes was read , quite naturally , as a sign that the emergency was over and that they could safely assert their ‘ rights ’ .
14 The Sergeant took us into the small canteen and told us quietly and forcefully that our holiday in Aubagne was over and that we were off to start four months of basic training designed to turn us into legionnaires .
15 Solicitors acting for the Princess of Wales have demanded that secret photographs of her working out in a gym should be handed over and that she should be given details of how much money was made from them .
16 One is that he led a wretched existence since MacQuillan took over and that he lost his temper when he found his office taken over by someone else .
17 Joy said that this really was n't on and that they must pull up at the side of the road and try to find some stones or something with which to wedge the coffin .
18 SunSelect has repeatedly maintained that Microsoft does n't have a legal leg to stand on and that it will not pay the licence .
19 Not just because it would ruin the trust that my relationship is built on and that I so much believe in , but because being unfaithful would require me to be the kind of woman I choose not to be .
20 How many times have you supposed to have taken something back or have it repaired or something and it 's sat there , and it 's sat there , and it 's sat there , and it 's sat there and it 's collected du , I 've got things round the house that I 've been working on and that I 've got ta , I 've got ta and it 's collected dust .
21 Moratoriums are usually informal agreements , but if you are ever involved in one , make sure it includes plenty of protection clauses as well as a defined reporting procedure to ensure that you and the other creditors know what is going on and that you are all receiving fair treatment .
22 French maintained that he thought that the safety catch was on and that he had been struck a blow on the back of the head which had caused him to stagger and pull the trigger .
23 Though it is very disconcerting when we find we ca n't drop off or that we wake early , we must remember that we can not do ourselves any physical harm by having difficulty sleeping .
24 When you find that your head has n't actually been bitten off and that you can actually speak , join one of the local societies whose activities are bound to be plastered all over your library 's noticeboard .
25 However , as a ‘ courageous ’ cut and sewer , as well as being a past owner of a Brother Electronic with garter carriage which casts off automatically , I decided that I would never go back to a latch tool cast off and that it was a waste of time in any case if I was intending to cut the fabric !
26 Many believe that Mr Kinnock 's heart may have been cut out and stamped on but that it beats anew in Mr Brown , and for this reason alone the party leader is credited with wanting the 41-year old Scot to succeed him in the event of disaster .
27 Auxilliary nurse at BUPA Murrayfield Hospital Michael Douglas told the jury at Liverpool Crown Court : ‘ If he was talking about his marriage he would say they were breaking up or that she was leaving him .
28 It is the belief of at least some hypnotherapists that the inability of some patients to be hypnotized is due to their subconscious fear that they will be unable to cope with what may come up and that they might go to pieces .
29 I think that they may be frightened to speak up and that they 're scared that if they say something that they do n't know , like a lot of them do n't know the facts , like today , in the same class as Janine across there , some of them did n't know even the very the pro , progression of the male pill or anything like that , and they did learn a few things but a again they never spoke up and they were n't interested , but I
30 ‘ They believe girls should not speak up and that they should let their parents control their lives .
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