Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] her [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Lesley-Jane , perhaps from long experience of having her mother going on about her or perhaps just from exhaustion , did not seem to be listening .
2 ‘ You mean there 's something going on between her and Thomas ? ’
3 What was going on between her and the DK ?
4 However , she allowed him to squire her to the desk , without comment and with a straight face , told him the number of her key , though keys were almost an affectation at ‘ The Salmon 's Return ’ , more for ornament than use , and let him take it down for her and escort her to the foot of the oak staircase , which wound in slightly drunken lurches about a narrow well , the polished treads hollowed by centuries of use .
5 I think me Auntie Jean 's , she 'll go off her rocker because she is like I say , me Auntie Jean 's only one that she ever remembers cos like me Auntie Jean takes the meal , like every meal down for her and
6 And then , on top of such bad news , came another message , a letter from Phoebe saying she could not after all repay Wilson 's kindness by standing in for her because she had this very day been ordered back to England and arrangements she had no part in had been made .
7 Darts of fire shot down through her and Travis 's mouth followed , trailing kisses across the flat planes of her quivering stomach , and yet further , kissing and caressing until her body convulsed and she cried out .
8 He sat down opposite her and raised his glass .
9 He then picked up a stool and brought it down towards her but it smashed a ceiling light .
10 The man now bent his long length down towards her and said quietly , ‘ You tired , Lemon ? ’
11 She saw his head coming down towards her and prepared to accept his kiss .
12 who comes in behind her and kisses her palms .
13 Meredith whose walking shoes , though practical enough for most surfaces , were not really adequate for squelching through boggy terrain , made her way along behind her as best she could , seeking out the firmer spots .
14 and down came the spider and sat down behind her and frightened Miss Muffet away , there 's a spider
15 Bob watched her all the way down the stairs , agonized on her behalf ; still more agonized when it occurred to him , just as she went out of sight , that he should have gone down with her and carried the case .
16 Clare , erm would go back to the office , you you or Phyllis or Joyce I mean preferably Phyllis would sit down with her and say , Right , Clare , what have you learned ?
17 that you on on one of your visits it would be a very good idea if you sat down with her and the engineering pal
18 Oh , my darling , darling , she wanted to cry , and as he moved and lay down with her and their legs entwined , so she realised , without fear , that along with his shirt , so too had his trousers gone .
19 In the end she saw the giant fish-hooks come down down into her and she thought they would haul her out of the depths , but they did not .
20 Things happen , he thought , and lay on the bed listening , but she had taken a magazine in with her and he fell asleep waiting .
21 Miss X had taken out the mortgage because her father was retired and she had intended that her fiance should move in with her and her parents .
22 It had been impossible to thwart him under the glare of media attention back at the restaurant , and she was still trying to decide how to deal with the situation if he wanted to come in with her when they reached her apartment — and she knew he would want to .
23 Gloria said he only went along with her because of the housing shortages , because he knew he was lucky to have a room at all , even if it was only half a room at Mrs Parvis 's .
24 I just went along with her and supported her with whatever she did .
25 She agrees with everything I say , she 's never horrible to me , but when you 're around she 's really horrible to me and like , even though she 's agreed with something I 've said earlier , she just sort of goes yeah right Cassie ha ha ha it 's really funny and takes the piss out of it and you sort of go along with her and I just sort of have to stand there while you two stand there laughing at me and I do n't like it .
26 She dragged the heavy tome along with her when she went on tour to Japan to give her plenty of bed time reading on her favourite subject .
27 This evening , after his initial annoyance at her intrusion , he 'd apparently enjoyed her company , laughing and joking along with her as she recounted ever more risqué stories in that sultry , husky voice of hers .
28 He walked in before her and she followed reluctantly , closing the door behind her .
29 Lee found herself gazing at the pubes of a woman a little way along from her and thinking about undergrowths and mazes and secrets and magic and dirt .
30 It had suddenly borne in upon her that it was almost midnight and that she was in a strange flat in a strange city , with a strange man who was plying her with champagne .
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