Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] be [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Fancy my not guessing at once that the Umpire She was on about was none other than the top man himself .
2 Love and hate … and in between is me . ’
3 A musician can fool himself and say , ‘ Yeah , I 'm doing great because I 'm getting all these write-ups and my career seems to be looking good , ’ but what it boils down to is what you 're actually doing — whether or not you 're breaking any new ground in music .
4 The only thing I could put it down to was his father was a big Mason and he was Freemason on the Bench .
5 Was this down at was it ?
6 Well ’ — she leant slightly forward — ‘ the fellow that Rosie went off with was your dear Andrew , the loving father .
7 " I 'm not saying that it started off to be one , but in my view it became fraudulent pretty Soon .
8 Well actually I feel a lot happier if you say that , because can I actually one of the first questions you asked , which I never got a chance to answer , though Terry did , was which what sort of criteria one would use to say that a Prime Minister 's good and erm I was sort of thinking of that as Terry was answering and I think the thing I came up with is you want somebody who represents , or is sensitive to at least , a very wide swathe of views across the population , but also someone who 's intelligent and caring enough to take into account the minority views , and you want somebody who 's aim is to make most of the people happy most of the time , sort of thing , erm but who 's also prepared to take unpopular steps erm if he believes it 's necessary .
9 Our identity is tied up with being someone who never achieves these goals .
10 ‘ A model of rectitude Madame Chardin may be , and a dab hand at Latin declensions and trigonometry , but what the girls get up to is something else , ’ Violette countered mysteriously .
11 Whatever they get up to is their own business , but I wish more of them would stay open .
12 What they will add up to is anyone 's guess at the moment ; inflation , uncertainty about the pace and impact of climate change , and the political factors which govern priorities make any attempt at assessment a futile exercise .
13 What the girls got up to was something Katherine was to learn only gradually .
14 This learned advertisement suggests that , just like in the Bertillon system , when you get a lot of small pieces of evidence grouped together , it can add up to be something prodigious in the way of proof .
15 If , from the very beginning , you are able to listen to your children 's point of view and discuss things with them , they will grow up to be your friends and to respect what you say .
16 And in a sense , he actually very neatly defined several different points without getting his knickers in a twist , and wearing different hats it would be so easy to come out with a muddled thing which would end up by being him feeling uncomfortable but him also being part of the Government and the Atomic Energy Authority .
17 The other type of shop to look out for is one described as a ‘ bathroom centre ’ or ‘ kitchen specialist ’ .
18 You 're coming back in are you Tone ?
19 And it turned out to be them .
20 Motorola Inc 's internal IT General Systems Sector turns out to be its biggest Unix customer .
21 THE Queen 's 40th anniversary on the throne turned out to be one she christened ‘ annus horribilis ’ — horrible year .
22 The little scene concluded , she walked aft , looking inward through the windows , searching for someone , who in fact turned out to be me .
23 Yes , I know what you 're all thinking — shame it turned out to be me — Andy Harris .
24 They 're always about to reveal something important , then it turns out to be nothing .
25 Fergus sprawled in the cafeteria banquette and said the challenge was to deconstruct something that had apparently already deconstructed itself , since the book was about a painting that turned out to be nothing but a chaotic mass of brush-strokes .
26 It turned out to be nothing more than a charter for busybodies , lacking muscle and new money .
27 The knack , the trick : there turns out to be nothing to it .
28 That very same evening he appeared on the bandstand in Woodford Square and gave his first speech under the auspices of the P.E.M. The speech turned out to be nothing less than a vitriolic attack on the Commission , which he portrayed as an organisation run by ‘ hide- bound conservatives in the British Colonial service ’ .
29 It often happens , especially if you train only spasmodically , that you start off the season with a personal best time , get really excited because you think there is a lot more to come and then the rest of the summer turns out to be something of a damp squib .
30 According to every independent account of social therapy since Newman and his followers started out , it often — at least for those clients deemed likely prospects for active party membership — turns out to be something else : a tool for making isolated , distressed individuals totally dependent on Newman and the party for all sense of self-esteem and community .
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