Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] [det] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 An extensive art exhibition is going on through much of the region giving local talent a showing .
2 On the A four two three , the Kidlington to Banbury road , they expect delays still to go on through much of the evening due to the traffic lights at Bunkers Hill , and on the A four two one , just south of Bicester , the changes to the road layout at the new M forty interchange has made traffic fairly heavy still .
3 Time moves on for all of us and the next day we were homeward bound , hoping , like Peer Gynt , to return some day .
4 Right how much should we take out of this just to learn and concentrate on for all of next week ?
5 There seemed nothing I could usefully add to whatever Henniker might be doing , and as it was getting on for half past twelve I decided to find a pub and a sandwich .
6 By 1939 4 million manual workers and another 4 million or so non-manual workers were receiving annual holiday pay , going on for half of the total occupied population .
7 If I can put it in , not , I hope , in a boastful way , but to illustrate how important this is to us , about forty per cent , getting on for half of the income of the Education Area last year , was made up not of normal University funds , but of funds attracted from outside to support research from private foundations and from government departments like the Department of Education and Science .
8 A demand for the ‘ noblest ’ architecture inevitably meant that Nonconformity was caught up in the debates over the value of Gothic architecture which went on for most of the Victorian period .
9 So it 's just an extra , erm , benefit that 's on , on for most of our policies one way or another , still covered between formal acceptance .
10 Last week Daph kept up an argument with herself that went on for most of the day .
11 Even though they may be working together on contributory problems in the marriage , he still needs to recognise how she hung on for both of them while he was out having a good time .
12 It would certainly be possible for a jackdaw to get in through any of the eight window openings , but then I thought , No .
13 This figure is then broken down for each of the UK countries .
14 Apart from a general limitation relating to development which ‘ requires or involves the formation , laying out or material widening of a means of access to an existing highway which is a trunk or classified road or creates an obstruction to the view of persons using any highway by vehicular traffic at or near any bend , corner , junction or intersection so as to be likely to cause danger to such persons , particular conditions are also laid down for each of the different classes of development listed .
15 Bear in mind , however , that most of the work I was doing was word processing , which allows the hard disk to be powered down for most of the time .
16 So that 's probably why they go in for more of these courses things
17 His mother , he knew , was in for another of her bouts , and he would have to bear the brunt of it .
18 and the boy would next morning would pass on the outside of the gate offering a reward of five pounds to anyone who would in other words five pounds for Oliver Twist I never in for this in my life said the in the white , white coat as he locked the gate and he went to the next morning .
19 In spite of her unwillingness to join the outing , and the remote mood she had been in for most of the day , in the last few minutes she had begun to feel herself a real person .
20 Why is it that we can look at organizations which we ourselves have worked in for most of our lives , where we have complained bitterly , where over drinks with our colleagues or at the Christmas pantomime or some other time we have given vent to our irritation at these bad organizational and behavioural characteristics ; and yet when we reach high positions in companies we consider them to be something which is beyond our capability to influence ?
21 While you 're about it , get him in for some For Eyes . "
22 yeah that 's lovely , we did put in for some in February , we have this one in the we have n't got a cover that one .
23 ‘ I wanted to use the presence of the guitar more aggressively , ’ says Lindsey , ‘ not only in solos and in the classical bits in between some of the songs , but in terms of what was actually driving the songs .
24 The results from the unusual condition fell in between those from the other two conditions .
25 About half in between half past five and quarter to six .
26 Getting in after half past three to get up again at six o'clock is no fun .
27 and you lot , and stroll in after half past four an five o'clock in the morning , you know , you do .
28 Rozario on the near post Chettle also has come forward for this kick and it goes in towards that near post area where Oldfield takes no chances .
29 Over the eight years of the project the reduction in inequality between different socio.economic groups was consequent upon an improvement in scores attained at the bottom end of the distribution and not the levelling down of those at the top .
30 We can certainly take this point : on David Frost 's programme the right hon. and learned Member for Monklands , East did not have a thought in his head about the phasing in of any of those changes .
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