Example sentences of "[adv prt] [verb] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 It would appear they carried on trading from a different address some time beyond that date , though exactly when they stopped has yet to be established .
2 And the , the water to bathe in came from the local river and er it was very very sandy and it just looked like mud that you were having to get in and do your bath .
3 In nightclubs and pop promo videos , it 's as if the banshees have come down screaming from the catwalk , staggering in their stilettos under the weight of their Max Factor cosmetics and costume jewellery .
4 The bar was crowded with men coming off shift from the electronics factory all arguing heatedly about a disputed penalty in a soccer match being shown on a T.V. set above the counter , the fact that the match had taken place two months before in no way diminishing the fervour of the argument .
5 A CHILDLESS woman was sacked from her job at a private hospital after she took time off to recover from the loss of surrogate twins , it was said .
6 The artist accuses Mr Debbasch , who is also Rector of the University of Aix-Marseille III , of selling off works from the Fondation Vasarely , created in 1976 , without the permission of either himself or his family .
7 The native peoples of Siberia were allowed to go on benefiting from the reforms which Speranskii had introduced in 1822 ; in this area " there was no sustained programme of enforced Russification or even christianisation " .
8 She ended up eating from the cat 's bowl .
9 The sound that had made O look up came from a man who was sitting on the floor , leaning against the wall of the tunnel , looking not much like a beggar , but just someone worn out ; perhaps he had collapsed there and was resting .
10 Do you have any reminiscences of the the Great War and the way it affected , were many of the men called up to serve from the area ?
11 You 've got ta pull it up look from the waist that 's it
12 As he did in midweek against Wolves , Whitton stepped up to score from the spot .
13 A fairly young man in Italian leisure wear from the waist down and nothing but a tan from the waist up appeared from a cabin , ready to repel boarders .
14 It was in two pieces , both black , as if they had been thrown up charred from the fires of hell .
15 And when they gave over I ventured back to see from the hillside , where there was some cover .
16 ‘ The dangerous dreamed melon of the sage ’ which turned out to come from the dream of Descartes .
17 Yet this paper led to our century 's great revolution in astronomy , for here an American engineer , Karl Jansky , announced his detection of ‘ static ’ , which turned out to come from the sky .
18 To my knowledge there has been no research that has set out to study from the start how far a child 's attachment to a new family or carer is impeded or not or whether ‘ the child 's personality will be damaged ’ where a birth parent or relative keeps contact whilst the child is with psychological parents .
19 But Smith admitted : ‘ We 've got three points out of four , and that 's what we set out to achieve from the first two games .
20 This is also the first time that the Under-Secretary of State , the hon. Member for Maidstone ( Miss Widdecombe ) , has been allowed out to speak from the Treasury Bench in the Chamber .
21 The first recipient of the original scholarship was Norcross Burrowes in 1880 , who went on to graduate from the Victoria University of Manchester in 1884 .
22 Meanwhile , a blow that would add still further to Falkenhavn 's disillusion was about to fall from a totally different direction .
23 Constables Colin Abbott and Granville Sellars spotted the 23-year-old Northampton man about to leap from a parapet at Leeds , West Yorkshire .
24 After modernising and its network , BT is about to benefit from a rapid fall-off in investment and staffing costs .
25 The were about to select from the sweet trolley when , at a nod from his mother , the proprietor dimmed the houselights and a young waitress brought in a surprise birthday cake , the reflection from the candles throwing her face into warm relief .
26 There may be a second , or even a third rabbit about to emerge from the one hole and you must be ready to ensure that no opportunities are missed .
27 Although the quantity of its output so far may not satisfy some observers , there is every reason to believe that , over the next year , preparers , auditors and users will be suffering from indigestion as a result of the material about to emerge from the pipeline .
28 It was as he was about to emerge from the far end of the wood that the figure on the ground brought him to a standstill .
29 Caton repeated some earlier experiments on the electro-physiology of nerve and muscle preparations , and then set about recording from the exposed surface of the brain .
30 The abbeys and priories I passed slumbered gently in the lee of fresh green hills , unaware of the destruction about to crawl from the hellish pit of Henry 's lusts .
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