Example sentences of "[adv] [been] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Among them were those who were convinced that he had secretly been in league with the employers .
2 This organisation has since been in correspondence with Neil Kinnock 's Westminster office , but has yet to receive any clear indication of whether Labour would indeed reduce the age of consent for gay men from 21 to 16 .
3 The boy was arrested and has since been in care because of ill-feelings in Mrs Fort 's community .
4 So you 've only been in Harlow since nineteen sixty three ?
5 I 'd only been in Monty 's poky little office for ten minutes and already he had given me two priceless lessons in my future profession — to make sure I dressed properly , and never be afraid to ask the question " Why ? "
6 Exemplar , which has only been in development since the beginning of the year ( UX No 423 ) , will be used for creating , storing and retrieving application objects across multiple platforms and networks .
7 At the age of fourteen he obtained a scholarship to Stowe School which had only been in existence six years .
8 J. C. E. Roberts , welcomed all present and remarked that although the Society had only been in existence for a few months , much had already been done and the Society had a firm foundation on which to build .
9 Since the First Directive has only been in operation for a matter of weeks , much has still to be learned about its full impact .
10 I 've only been in Dick 's flat once and the most interesting thing I 've gleaned about him is that he never uses washing-up liquid and he has a rather interesting pile of yellowing press cuttings sitting on a shelf .
11 ‘ You can get them in Helsinki now , but at that time … anyway I had only been in New York for a couple of days and I only had the clothes I had taken with me .
12 Although the requirements concerning the environmental suitability of an operating centre have only been in force since June 1984 , some interesting cases have already arisen on their interpretation .
13 Marian welcomes the more interventionist role available to the Court under the new Act which has only been in force since October 1991 .
14 I had only been in prison eight days .
15 In 1967 , when Mr Ceausescu had only been in power two years , he complained about the security forces taking unjustified measures against the people .
16 Although he had defied her before , it had only been in words but now the thought that he had the choice of putting those words into action and so set a new pattern , and in doing so break one of the threads that tied him to her , caused his whole body to tremble and his voice to quiver as he said , ‘ Either you give me permission freely to go with Mick tomorrow or I go down now and put it to Martin . ’
17 The reviewer has only been in office for eight months but so far has not had cause to uphold a single application for a review .
18 She had only been in office a fortnight when she gave a lecture on social services at the ICO .
19 erm John Major has n't yet done that , but the poor chap 's only been in office a hundred days , I mean this is a hundred days today .
20 I also feel it was a great honour being a woman and having achieved it in such a short space of time as I have only been in hairdressing for around six years .
21 The boy , who had only been in care for a short while before the incident , is now in secure accommodation .
22 If the first retailer has only been in business a short time before the second retailer opens his store then it is unlikely that anything can be done .
23 The system has only been in place for a month but already , says ‘ we are seeing the benefits . ’
24 Psychiatry was new and had only been in practice since 1879 ; neuroses and psychoses were thought to be untreatable .
25 We have only been in post for three weeks , but this is our second confrontation with Fred .
26 Patient E16 had only been in hospital once , three years before his terminal illness .
27 Unfortunately , Gail had n't realised that it was only because Mr Elder had only been in Hospital for so long , that he was overjoyed to see her and him wanting to kiss her was completely innocent .
28 Remy had only been in charge for a month and already he had a major scoop on his hands .
29 This was very common in the past and I 'm sure many shop stewards here who 've dealt with redundancies in the past , know about the poor members who get quite a nice lump sum redundancy , but in fact , they 've only been in pension schemes a short while , so they ca n't provide for themselves in old age , once they 've spent the redundancy money .
30 She 'd only been in Dane 's company for a matter of days , but he 'd left a mark on her , a mark it could prove impossible to erase .
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