Example sentences of "[adv] [no cls] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Hence , in the union ( an area of approximately 21,000 people ) in which the rice-salt solution had been taught , only 6.5% of all cases of diarrhoea had been treated with this mixture .
2 Unfortunately , around three quarters of cases of Down 's syndrome occur in fetuses of women under this age , and in 1991 biochemical testing detected only 6.5% of all cases of the syndrome .
3 In a report on the treatment of acute myocardial infarction in US academic centres , only 58.7% of all post-infarct patients were taking daily aspirin 10 days after the index infarction .
4 But those conservatives of New Democracy ( 46.9% of the vote in 1990 , but only 24.1% in this month 's opinion poll ) also need a shake-out .
5 Although the predictive value of a negative result ( clarity ) was 96% and the false negative rate 3.7% , the sensitivity of using transparency as an index of the absence of infection was only 32.4% in this population .
6 And so e with that the the decline of the flats really erm seemed to go that way .
7 In 198741 women entered the House of Commons , more than ever before , but still only 6.3% of all MPs .
8 And although these are obviously er at some kind of show because if you look beyond the horses you can see there are marquees and so on in the background .
9 The only other question perhaps o on that one .
10 In Walker 's ( 1975 ) study of students at Warwick University , among those graduating 46.8% of mature students who did not satisfy the GER achieved ‘ good ’ degrees , while only 35.2% of all students achieved this standard .
11 No er necessarily lo like that .
12 I mean we 're only talking about half an hour or so er at some time around about eleven o'clock on Tuesday morning .
13 So erm on that basis if , if , if we say that er that , that you 're looking for say thirty thirty thousand a year you 're looking at three hundred , four hundred and fifty thousand say four hundred thousand life cover .
14 So erm in that sense ah perhaps it 's a bit easier to take some sort of action .
15 Like my father , when he was , when my mother first started going with him he used to smoke cigarettes quite hea heavily erm and er when he had a cold or something like that he 'd say , oh I must have a fag it helps me bring the phlegm up so erm in some ways they 're almost perceived as having a like a cur curative er
16 Yes , we do obviously erm in this particular region erm depend a great deal on the overseas visitor erm but I think Michael also made a very good point in relation to the comradeship which has emerged through the war erm and I think this was erm further identified by some representatives we sent out erm on the part of the local regional boards , in other words London , South East , Southern , East Anglia .
17 Oesophagitis was present in 57.7% of asthmatics with a hiatal hernia compared with only 16.3% of those without hiatal hernia .
18 Although London just remained the largest cross-border lending centre in 1991 , only 15.6% of this lending came from British banks ( compared to 20.6% in 1985 ) .
19 So that that is the disadvan , so so wi with this as you say , it 's only on their second one , erm , the increasing benefit plan , the benefits are only increasing when you 're actually claiming ,
20 Mercury takes only ¼ of this time .
21 To bring this area of approximately 23x11cms to this stage takes around five hours of actual drawing .
22 To bring this area of approximately 23x11cms to this stage takes around five hours of actual drawing .
23 Thus unc for some
24 and that is even in spite of people just erm to that now existing .
25 What what do you remember specially a about those days that was different ?
26 If if you as a panel conclude that the information erm is inadequate , clearly er on that basis then then a suggestion would have to be made as to one how this matter can be progressed .
27 I would also actually suggest that again if you wanted to ease it a bit I 'd pick up a point also made just now er in that P P G refers to building and the E two refers to development .
28 One question , Mr Chairman , er er er information really er on this section one one oh .
29 The Greater York area coincides with that black circle roughly er on that on that map , and as you will see the Greater York area also coincides virtually with the whole of the greenbelt .
30 But certainly , on the more tangible side , it 's true to say that an increasing proportion of the research in the University in widely different areas erm is supported now erm through this programme .
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