Example sentences of "[adv] [Wh det] she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And perhaps what she does know wo n't help me , anyway .
2 Was that perhaps what she wanted ?
3 I mean can I just return to what Queenie Warley said about the rents , because basically what she said was the conservative view on council house rents was that yes they had to go up because the Government decreed they had to go up , that they would have put them up earlier so people would have been paying more for longer , and the phasing that they 're suggesting now what she did n't point out is that under the Conservative proposal people would finish up paying even higher rents than they will have to pay this year .
4 OK : one more when we get home and that 's all before bedtime , he thought , facing the fact that bedtime was probably all too literally what she had in mind .
5 Mr Stanforth was not entirely what she had expected , but neither , she deduced from the covert glances he was using upon her like measuring instruments , was she quite matching up to his preconceived picture of her .
6 It was n't so much what she thought .
7 But she did n't respond — at least she did n't do that ! — or only a little bit , only the very smallest bit , because it was so very sweet , so very exciting , so very much what she had always hoped a kiss might be , and if he believed it was what she wanted , why not let him think so ?
8 Casting her mind back , she tried to work out what it was , piecing together what she knew of him .
9 That the gulf existed was something she had known all along , so what she had overheard and the realisation it brought with it should n't be causing tears to prick behind her eyes as she opened the cupboard in the study that adjoined Faye and Bill 's bedroom , and got out the testing kit she had come for .
10 He also wondered whether Ruggiero 's daughter had seen the article , and if so what she thought of it .
11 So what she wears is of considerable importance , and you will need to describe her clothes in fair detail , though with as much economy in the writing as you can manage .
12 There was no competition here , no assumed superiority on the part of another to make her uneasy or defensive , only what she saw as shared experience , delightful in retrospect .
13 Doreen , Lucy realised , was an expert self-deluder , who believed only what she wished to believe .
14 It is expensive to buy food that children do not eat and it is very easy for the mother to fall into the trap of offering the child only what she thinks the child still likes .
15 At the euphoric level of the disease , the anorexic perceives only what she wants ( needs ) to perceive .
16 As far as Sara was concerned he would hear only what she considered fit for him to know .
17 This means ( you do n't mind if I simplify matters a tad ? ) that the restorer should at all times do only what she knows may be undoable later by others .
18 It then gave her notice to quit the temporary accommodation , and offered her alternative accommodation elsewhere which she refused .
19 I know it was fourteen by nine foot something , I 'm up to nine , ten which is exactly which she said
20 Over and over again she shifted restlessly , the long nerves along her spine protesting , but she could n't drive the alien thoughts away whatever she did .
21 Just what she felt marriage was likely to bring about .
22 It 's not just what she says about me , it 's also her feelings about herself .
23 Nevertheless , she set about searching it in a methodical fashion , discovering in the process just what she had expected : nothing .
24 Although just what she had done with all her unencumbered time since he 'd moved the rest of them to Almsmead , other than take an excessive interest in the mill-school he 'd had to build to keep on the right side of that damned , interfering Factory Act , he was uncertain .
25 Her tone implied that he did n't , and it was just what she had intended .
26 Claudia 's hands flew to her throat ; for a moment that was just what she had done .
27 Planning is just what she had been doing .
28 He grinned down at her and it was only then that she realised just what she had said .
29 She knew just what she had to do , knew the music perfectly , could sing it in her sleep , but now she felt , for the first time in years , she could bring something of herself , her personality , into her singing .
30 This was just what she had n't wanted to happen .
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