Example sentences of "[adv] [that] each of " in BNC.

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1 Somebody calculated that if the surface of the earth was covered with a layer of protein molecules a metre thick , right over the whole surface of the earth erm each one , each protein different from every other one , and let us suppose furthermore that each of these proteins had been changing once as second , uniquely , into some different kind ever since the formation of the earth , we would still have tried out only quite a small fraction of the available possible proteins a hundred amino acids long .
2 It is surely a professional responsibility for all of us to think deeply about these things so that each of us may better strive towards attaining ‘ dignity ’ for ourselves .
3 If a crack begins to.penetrate into the wood across the grain , the Cook-Gordon mechanism — which we discussed in the last chapter — comes into operation in the region around the crack tip and the various cells become separated so that each of them operates as an independent helix , something like a drinking straw .
4 The time samples could be of one minute 's duration , arranged so that each of the six pupils is observed in a regular cyclical sequence for parts of a teaching period .
5 It is important that all feed pipes from the cold water cistern are fitted with valves so that each of the different water circuits can be isolated and worked on without the need to drain the entire system .
6 You in fact , leave the matter open so that each of us as individuals do what our personal consciences tell us .
7 Metallic hydrogen is expected to be produced at very high pressures because the molecules of molecular hydrogen ( H 2 ) will be forced so close together that each of the two hydrogen atoms in the H 2 molecule is attracted to atoms in neighbouring molecules as much as to its partner .
8 Thus , in Smith , it was held that the legislation does not in fact create a ladder of alternative offences but rather that each of the offences must be charged where the facts so warrant it .
9 Assume also that each of these states has a probability of 0.5 .
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