Example sentences of "[adv] [that] [ex0] is " in BNC.

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1 Erm er it 's basically that there is no stated requirement at present from any of the four nations , for this aircraft to operate on ships er back in the early days of the programme when the the French were involved er we looked at the possibility of designing an aircraft er to provide the whole spectrum of capabilities from air defence er ground attack and also maritime operations off ships and er we we certainly experienced some difficulties in reconciling all those things in one design , which was adequately capable in each of the areas .
2 Indeed , the situation changed so swiftly that there is almost no resemblance between the political maps of Spain for 1000 and 1050 , or again between those covering the times of the birth and death of El Cid .
3 It is true enough that there is often such a nuance ( see Quirk , Greenbaum , Leech , Svartvik , 1972 ) , but the proposal will not turn out to be satisfactory .
4 I think there should be a more stringent system of entry into the drama schools so that there is a higher standard of work achieved by the time they come to join the profession .
5 With all types of glider , it is wise to hold the stick right forward for the initial part of the ground run , so that there is no possibility of the glider zooming off the ground and into a steep climb if the winch driver applies full power too quickly .
6 For a good chance of a safe landing , the ground must be seen from at least a thousand feet so that there is time to select a field and assess the wind .
7 You should carefully consider the duties you require of a companion and write a ‘ job description ’ so that there is no misunderstanding by either party as to what is expected .
8 The field is on a slope , so that there is a difference between going up and going down — but that is all .
9 As one said , what Easton has , unlike many areas , is ‘ ordinary civil policing ’ ( FN 16/11/87 , p. 6 ) , so that there is a continuity with policing in Easton before the current troubles began : ‘ I was in Easton years ago when it was the old station , though basically policing at Easton has n't changed from when I was here years ago .
10 This will be so particularly in the case of goods which are of a very low price , so that there is little income barrier to their purchase .
11 There is evidence that the body clock of ‘ larks ’ runs faster than average , so that there is a tendency for the clock to wake them up earlier — and make them feel tired earlier .
12 The smelting process alters the chemical composition of the original ore so that there is usually no simple chemical correlation between ore and metal .
13 Could you buy in quite a bit of fresh fish , say ten portions if you plan to have ten fish meals in a month , so that there is always good healthy protein food available as a base for a meal ?
14 One of the things that can emerge is a great deal of mutual help , so that there is not just one group of people giving out to another but a group of people reaching out to one another .
15 Normally , if a horse acts aggressively towards us we let it know quite clearly that such behaviour is unacceptable , and punish it appropriately and immediately , so that there is no doubt in the horse 's mind what the punishment is for .
16 While the bottom-dwelling or burrowing bivalves mostly have a pair of strong muscles to pull the valves together , in the swimming forms the muscles have become modified so that there is one particularly powerful muscle , centrally placed , to produce the powerful clapping movement that propels the animal through the water .
17 The Fijian traditional communal system of livelihood has a tendency to restrict initiative for commercial expansion and development so that there is a need to modify commercial values to meet with the demands of modern commercialism , This , in a nutshell , is what the Yalavou project sets out 10 do .
18 At the time of X-ray , the dog 's ear is tattooed and the X-ray is marked with that tattoo number so that there is always proof of the dog 's soundness .
19 The patient 's clothing should also be checked , so that there is no loose flapping material to get in the way .
20 The felt layers should be lapped by at least 150mm ( 6in ) , the upper felt being placed over the lower felt so that there is a continuous fall towards the eaves gutter .
21 first , Williams 's admittedly artificial argument may be accepted that it is an omission , a failure to treat , so that there is no liability .
22 They should be about shoulder-width apart , placed equidistant from the CE so that there is an equal amount of strain on both arms .
23 Most of Sweden 's beef comes from the dairy herd , so that there is a tendency to breed dual-purpose cows .
24 Veterinary standards in Denmark are very high and serious cattle diseases ( including brucellosis , tuberculosis and foot-and-mouth ) are unknown , so that there is considerable potential for export .
25 As fish are sinking back through the surface , other fish will be appearing through it , so that there is constant activity .
26 These other aggregating agents which cause shape change before platelet-platelet aggregation release calcium initially from an intracellular structure , probably the dense tubular system , so that there is an elevation in cytoplasmic calcium before plasma membrane calcium is altered ( Gerrard et al , 1981 ) .
27 It is probably better psychological strategy to start the newly insulin-requiring patient on two injections of insulin per day so that there is early acceptance of this regimen .
28 The correct approach is dietary modification or , if that is satisfactory , oral agents so that there is no postprandial glycosuria .
29 Teachers ' salaries are relatively low compared with those for other professions requiring the same duration of training , so that there is no great incentive to become a teacher .
30 Nurses must be constantly vigilant in every activity so that there is no break in infection control and this is especially necessary because the patient can come into contact with pathogens which have become resistant to one or more of the antibiotics .
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