Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] about [art] " in BNC.

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1 Glumness apart , he nonetheless would like to be thought of as a comic writer and indeed , though its themes are class , race and sex , what most impresses about The Buddha of Suburbia is that it is full of humour .
2 Although fourteen answers to the fragmentation question concern housework , the housewife rarely thinks about the work she is actually doing .
3 We 've got a reported-stolen list a mile long , but the media only cares about the sexy stuff .
4 The solipsist is in the position of claiming that he has a language in which he describes his present and past experiences , and perhaps speculates about the future .
5 So protests about the Government 's proposals to charge parents for extras ' such as swimming lessons and cooking materials fall wide of the mark .
6 Meanwhile doubts about the private banks ' ability to cope caused mounting worries .
7 The relation of information in a particular discourse to information which the subject already possesses about the discourse topic has also been investigated in memory studies .
8 He he just moans about the fact of making tea !
9 Georgina already knows about the affair . ’
10 Once doubts about the feasibility of such a system finally caused it to be shelved indefinitely , the government sought other ways of extending parental choice , once it had introduced reforms to school government to increase opportunities for parental involvement at school level ( see Chapter 3 ) .
11 The writer goes on to make further points about the picture 's elements .
12 Texas still has about the weakest campaign-finance laws of any big state , and some of its politicians still rely on lobbyists to pay for everything from trips and meals to golf tournaments .
13 Venus is much smaller , but nevertheless still has about the same mass as the Earth .
14 Controversy in the medical profession still rages about the benefits of vitamins and dietary supplements and manufacturers are closely restricted in any claims they can make about what their various products can do .
15 When you listen to the Chancellor of the Exchequer sweeping aside concerns about the decision to put VAT on fuel bills with a casual assertion that it will help the national debt and so ultimately benefit every consumer , it gives you the clearest possible indication of how divorced this government has become from the concerns of millions of electors .
16 Failure to recognize and to allow for this may explain why , even after nine years of Thatcherite ‘ political clout ’ , doubt still exists about the extent of real cultural change within Whitehall and whether ‘ lasting reforms ’ have , or ever will be , achieved .
17 Early concerns about the safety of plasma-derived hepatitis B vaccine , especially the concern that infectious agents such as HIV present in donor plasma pools might contaminate the final product , have proven to be unfounded .
18 It usually takes about a fortnight here
19 Baz seems reassured by this , but still mutters about the rest of the tour needing covering .
20 However , no Pakistani official ever talks about the apparent hypocrisy of the government 's claim to be fighting narcotics when it refuses to change the special status of these tribal areas .
21 He gradually forgets about the diet .
22 IAIN CRICHTON-SMITH also writes about the plight of the outsider , that of the officer who has risen through the ranks .
23 In this issue he interviews Dudley Moore at his restaurant in LA ( page 86 ) and also writes about the birth of his daughter Madeleine ( page 31 ) .
24 Green , for example , repeatedly wonders about the identity of the first person speaker in " The retreate " ( " who is the " " I " " of the utterance ? "
25 Believe it or not , when Charles approached me for help , I saw the attraction of a company specialising in producing beautiful things , which also cares about the people who produce them . ’
26 He also complains about a cartoon in the London Evening Standard .
27 He also enthuses about the extraordinary steam trains he has recently seen for himself , reading from a journal which he has been writing while away .
28 He also talks about the chicks a good deal .
29 It also talks about the operation .
30 He also talks about an object known as the trolley , a type of fire engine , and the events associated with its use .
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