Example sentences of "[adv] [adv prt] into the " in BNC.

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31 He got the top off and a cup poured before lowering himself gingerly back into the driving seat and passing it over to Catherine .
32 Leninism 's cult of a quasi-military party also placed a premium on discipline and extended Moscow 's control over national parties into a rigid straitjacket on doctrine right through into the 1950s .
33 " You do n't , but building fresh matter round it , might cause it to drop right through into the downness of spatial alti-librium . "
34 god was it painful , and erm , so the crown has got a filling in it now because she , to , to relieve the pressure on the abscess she had to drill right down through the crown , erm to go right through into the root area
35 Jackson was standing by a window , a little to one side , looking absently down into the street .
36 Held close to the chest , the bundles are dragged backwards down into the chamber for the babes ( up to five in a litter ) to snuggle up into .
37 The shore slopes steeply down into the sea and , if the ocean were to dry up , the island would emerge in a single block some 5,400m above the sea bed .
38 The gun jerked , sent several rounds into the air before it sprayed away down into the ocean , and jammed .
39 The standard housing comes with a flat viewing port giving a reversed viewfinder image looking vertically down into the housing .
40 Granite slabs rough as gabbro ( thank heavens ! ) , curve over and fall vertically down into the boulder-filled gorge , loud with crashing waters and graced with pools of turquoise calm .
41 A little way further up the road on the opposite side , I could see the start of a footpath , which disappeared steeply up into the thickets .
42 The nose-tingling aroma of rosemary in itself is enough to banish catarrh and sinus infections as it trickles coolly up into the nasal cavities and spreads behind the cheekbones and forehead .
43 But the landscape became grander and more exciting as we drove north ; great fiords cut deep into the land , and mountain-sides of lava screes towered away up into the clouds .
44 The casket was cast into the river Nile nearby in the hope it would be carried down the river and finally out into the Mediterranean Sea to be lost for ever .
45 The boat moved comfortably out into the river .
46 The large men were flooding largely back into the room .
47 There are the Kray Brothers at Reggie 's wedding in 1965 , staring menacingly off into the distance ; Michael Caine with a dangling cigarette ; Jane Birkin , topless , with her arms crossed protectively over her chest ; Catherine Deneuve with a brown wig and a pink flamingo .
48 There were signs of human habitation , scraps of litter , faint smells , broken pottery , strange markings on the walls of the caves which seemed to stretch for ever down into the blackness beneath the cliffs .
49 He had to thresh with his arms to get himself upright again and , it seemed to Marie , all he had done was drive himself even further down into the mud .
50 She lowered herself further down into the gully , and urinated on the ground .
51 Note that it ‘ should ’ lead directly down into the Throne Room ( 29 ) , but it does n't .
52 Dragging it open , Grant stepped quickly through into the clear air beyond and pulled the heavy door shut behind him , blotting out the smoke and heat .
53 what they have to do , have to go further off now , when they are dredging now they have to go further off into the sea , North Sea
54 He turned and charged quickly off into the forest to rescue his friend , only to find a German splayed out on the ground and Tommy still running on up the hill .
55 A last very scenic walk to remember further up into the Wilder Kaiser mountains !
56 The partner then pushes the leg further up into the air .
57 At Holkham we looked hopefully up into the pine trees planted long ago to help stabilise the sand dunes , and we ‘ pished ’ .
58 On the other hand , if it integrates with the airline part of the holiday and begins to develop its own hotels and resort complexes this is a case of backward vertical integration , since in this case the holiday firm is pushing its liaisons further back into the supply network of the holiday .
59 Has it gone further back into the primary schools ?
60 Philip walked quickly out into the hall .
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