Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is such a cohesive , well-oiled unit that the band rarely has to call for outside assistance .
2 He badly wants to play against Spain . ’
3 He badly wants to play against Spain . ’
4 Torrance , who has played in the last six Ryder Cup matches and badly wants to figure in the next at the Belfry in September , shot his 69 despite having a nose bleed for the first time in his life early in the morning , then again on the course .
5 The American frustration is evidenced by the utter confusion as sporadic resistance slowly starts to rise in defence of the fleet .
6 There are times when prejudice only contributes to conflict in the narrow band of outlook and experience where that prejudice exists .
7 Jesus only goes to pray by himself once and not three times .
8 Accepting without question his uncle 's explanation that , as captain , he can not be too directly concerned with the minutiae of shipboard life , the boy eagerly agrees to spy on the seamen and find out their weaknesses and their delinquencies .
9 It only wants to go for a little 'un now and I 'll say , right that dog 'll be out the door .
10 If you can not find a language helper who only wants to work for one hour a day , try hiring someone to do gardening or housework for you on a more fulltime basis and then use that person also as a language helper until you reach the stage where you can cope with a fulltime language helper .
11 well , well thank Mr very much , if you , if you could , I can accommodate Mr at any reasonable time tomorrow , erm , but although he may say he 's only got , he only wants to rest for a quarter of an hour d'your , as you gather from the interchange from the bench , that 's er , that will be the very minimum and I may well have questions to ask him , although I hope I 'd asked most of them to Mr , so , erm , but I 'm , I 'm I think for everybody 's convenience it , erm , unless he 's got a specific time he could deal with , we either start say at eleven thirty , when Mr can be here or at two , erm , but if he 's got some other clever idea I 'm perfectly prepared to entertain him , but er we ca n't leave this hanging around , I 've got ta write this and whichever way it goes we 've got ta look at it again , er and although I suppose I 'm not entirely unheard of and I disappear to the court of appeal next term it 's gon na make things extremely awkward to try and arrange anything else next term , cos I 've got two other judges to bear in mind as well as myself
12 She made him take tap classes to loosen his ankles and gave him daily exercises to do under her assistant 's instruction .
13 In the case of expressions output on channels or assigned to variables this expression only needs to hold in the context of the strongest enclosing boolean .
14 It may be thought unwise to present a young a artist in repertoire as familiar and well-recorded as this , but one only needs to listen to the first minute of track one , the F major Sonata , to realise that Haefliger is in complete command and has something unique to offer , namely youthful energy , dash and charisma .
15 Dunlop only needs to finish in both final rounds to take the title .
16 Yet one only needs to travel in the town on Saturdays to see well clothed and healthy children and upstanding young men and women , to realise that the people of this country are better off than they have ever been .
17 Yet one only needs to travel in the town on Saturdays to see well clothed and healthy children and upstanding young men and women , to realise that the people of this country are better off than they have ever been .
18 The borough council only needs to look to the example of Durham County Council which has given £100,000 to the Bowes Museum for its centenary celebrations to see how important local heritage is .
19 Rosemary apparently has to cope with her husband 's anxiety that she could only be cured by becoming more ‘ assertive ’ .
20 The truth usually only starts to emerge in the reports , inquiries and learned articles that follow the trial that follows the scandal that heralds the emergence of a new ‘ social issue ’ .
21 A man only starts to worry about the virginity of his bride or the virtue of his wife when he wants to breed an heir .
22 The child receives no interest from the parent and so starts to behave in a way to gain more attention regardless of the fact that it is negative and unpleasant .
23 Erm , and therefore , that Planning Committee erm , basically has to vote in favour of development , unless there are over-riding planning reasons why they should not .
24 The point was that it basically has to come from yourself and if you feel funny about yourself , then maybe you should go to the root of what 's making you feel funny as opposed to just taking downers and then taking uppers .
25 And er Alan apparently wants to go to Spain and Alan said well I 'm not bloody working there , as he said , I do n't wan na earn money like that !
26 Perhaps it all has to do with being unworldly and prepared to believe in the little people at the end of the garden .
27 When compulsory environmental impact statements are produced for Parliament for a private or hybrid Bill , the promoter obviously has to pay for the environmental impact assessment .
28 When the temperature gradient exceeds a critical value , convection currents start — the liquid all wants to rise to the top of the layer , but some must fall to the bottom .
29 A leader can only achieve results through other people and in doing so needs to draw on a range of different styles such as Directive ( see page 53 ) , Consultative ( see page 38 ) , Collaborative ( see page 32 ) , and Delegation ( see page 49 ) .
30 ‘ The man who is looking for a breed to put shape into his lambs only has to talk to butchers who deal in this type of Texel-sired carcass and look at the successes achieved in carcass competitions .
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