Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 I think we must make it a positive step forward that this council not only goes forwards to build but it goes forward to use that building and give the firemen of this county the right tools , or firewoman , the firemen and the firewoman of this county the right tools to work with .
2 The foreword says ‘ A sad story with a happy ending ’ , and it 's about a little baby who has no Mummy and so goes off to find one .
3 Despite the lack of wind , over the past hour a swell had built beyond the reef — a strange , almost oily swell that rose in long humps only to collapse back on itself as if exhausted by the effort .
4 If she 's playing with some children on the other side of the room and suddenly looks up to find you 're not there , she wails .
5 Nor is it flippant liberalism to point this out — though there may be significance in the fact that anyone who does so has immediately to excuse himself , as I find myself doing .
6 When it 's just a few minutes from the face , the thick cloud filling the valley gently wells up to lock in the cold .
7 The unexpected usually occurs in military affairs for the simple reason that what can be foreseen can be deterred and so tends not to happen .
8 Enough survives today to give a compelling impression of the extent to which the crown supplied visual evidence to its subjects of the splendour of Scottish monarchy ; the buildings may be small-scale by comparison with those of wealthier kings , but they are also lovely , and imposing , and above all utterly fashionable .
9 The 8-byte instruction buffer in the CPU decomposes the highly variable instruction format into its basic components and constantly fetches ahead to reduce delays in obtaining the instruction components .
10 An understanding of ‘ mass ’ in choreographic terms only means how to organise and manipulate the dancers within that mass of objects .
11 + final sentence : sums up the paragraph ( and perhaps tries also to link the paragraph with what will come next ) .
12 For a person who 's dedicated it must be a very rewarding job , but for someone who only comes here to work it must be blooming hard .
13 Go straight uphill in second field , initially with right edge and the barn 100 yds away ; the route finally veers right to leave field by far right-hand corner .
14 None of this means that Thatcher would be right to oppose the modernisation of Europe 's political institutions , if that is what political union finally turns out to mean .
15 I 'd be up as well , and he 'll just goes back to sleep and I shall stay awake going , Matthew you 've got ta get up now !
16 Richard says he started ski-ing on the coast and then one day went out with skies and that 's how he started barefoot … he says three years ago he stopped competing as life or death and just goes out to enjoy himself
17 He 's a pleasant enough chap , though , and generally looks in to say hullo and have a glass of sherry on his way out to tramp over the common looking for flowers .
18 She reversed in a reckless sweep , scraping the Range Rover with a hideous scream of metal , then tore off down the hairpin bends of the drive , blinking away tears furiously to see where she was going .
19 It is an S-shaped curve ( See Meadows ) , which shows increasing growth at first , then slows down and finally tends asymptotically to approach a maximum .
20 Privatisation that got away shows how to share the corporate bounty Outlook .
21 The aggressive fighter is often weak on defence and generally prefers just to smother your attack so that he can proceed with his own .
22 Life there is so inexpensive that it just takes longer to get it all done .
23 Killing people simply in order to satisfy hunger is hardly one of humanity s more endearing habits ( and anyway seems always to have been rare ) , but the consumption of dead heroes can be seen as a mark of respect , in that the eaters may hope to inherit some of the admired qualities of the deceased .
24 He soon learns either to give you misleading information or delay sending in the document .
25 With experience , the flyer soon learns how to steer by allowing the kite to determine its direction as it terns from the vertical , then , with a combination of ground movements and line pull , it is controlled with precision .
26 What we are able to do in my job is to do what I was happy to do which is to give a performance in aid of a charity , one soon learns how to expend one 's energy and in which direction to focus it .
27 She just pops in to pick units up but
28 She just pops in to pick units up basically .
29 Andrus just pops in to see Sesostris and they have a bit of a chat , not a long one , they do n't even have a cup of coffee , mean bastards , both of them , and then Andrus goes on to the Cashier presumably with Sesostris 's authorization and the Cashier takes the money out of the safe and gives it to him .
30 Alex just knows how to get , how to get round everyone , to get round his mother anyway
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