Example sentences of "[adv] [is] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 If the current trend continues , the landowners to whom the bothies belong , could decide that enough is enough and withdraw their permission for usage .
2 But it will probably be around the time of the Full Moon on the 14th that you decide enough is enough and when you realise that success , solace or excitement can only be found in a different setting .
3 This tragic game can go on for the rest of their lives or one of them can decide enough is enough and withdraw .
4 Those practices must be brought to an end , and I know that my hon. Friends will strongly support the Government when we say that enough is enough and that if we are to have a compulsory competitive tendering regime , it must be one under which the private and public sectors are able to compete with absolute equality .
5 After a long running row with the locals , the diocese has decided enough is enough and plan legal action .
6 Poetry alone is worldwide and limitless ; and even through the mangling of translation , the images of beauty come through a hundred tongues unsullied .
7 More than moisture Less is best when it comes to moisturising .
8 There is a marked reluctance to arguing why people should be accorded such rights — " It just is so and things work better if you accept it — racism for example causes instability and prejudice and violence , so it must go " .
9 Home is somewhere where you have space to spread your wings .
10 Its history thereafter is even and steady , and part of the familiar national story .
11 And all she 's done like is just and you ca n't say no .
12 What is past is past and you can not turn the clock back .
13 ERNIE 's just been down-rated by the way to reduce the ou the , the ac the average now is less than seven percent .
14 ‘ It really is physically and mathematically impossible , ’ continues Professor James , ‘ to work out the implications of my needs whenever I go into a supermarket unless I happen to know my metabolic rate , what it means in terms of my food needs and how to calculate this information so that I can select the correct diet . ’
15 I think the biggest thing really is just like they say , is how much you can get that done for and , get the roofing done , that 's got ta be done .
16 What Hamilton could see was that the talents of Warner Bros had combined to produce a film that was not so much about the Legion as ‘ about the kind of short-sighted , uninformed and well-enough-meaning men who have to be given an understanding of what democracy really is so that they will not go on and on providing tools for such legions ’ .
17 well this people I mean with , with , that I mean that really is more or less the same amount as the other companies have said for er more or less the whole lot , so why the wardrobes are so cheap and yet the , the bed surrounding is so expensive , we do n't know
18 Imagination is the capacity to make links and to see links — it is not discontinuous with reality , but is a way of understanding what really is there if only we can see it .
19 To where it really is quite and peaceful .
20 The AIDS toll so far is more than 450 dead in America among 1300-plus cases with severe secondary diseases .
21 The strongest Akali faction by far is now that led by Mr Simranjit Singh Mann .
22 The strongest Akali faction by far is now that led by Mr Simranjit Singh Mann .
23 With the increasing impact of information technology the problem today is sometimes that there seems to be too much information rather than too little .
24 They spent money today , agreeing to pay tomorrow ; now tomorrow is here and the bills with it .
25 No I think white for here is best cos the sun is quite I mean you get quite a lot of sun do n't you on on on this side of the house .
26 My point here is simply that they do go some way to explaining why patterns of co-residence fluctuate over time .
27 What is happening here is simply that the additional real money supply is being held in speculative or ‘ idle ’ balances .
28 The question here is simply whether the operation itself is lawful .
29 Remember the little truth theory that we did in lecture two or three , or when you do semantics in logic by swinging two model theories , when you interpret the expressions of a logical language , you have to assign a structure and , er the claim here is just that the natural language , that structure , structure that the semantic interpretation rules apply to , it 's just the syntactic structure .
30 The difficulty here is often that it is not clear whether the problem is meant to bear a relation to the book-work question or not .
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