Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] i [Wh adv] " in BNC.

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1 You 'd better tell me where to hit it and how hard . ’
2 You 'd better tell me where to hit it and how hard . ’
3 Now if you want that drink you 'd better tell me where the fridge is so I can get some milk . ’
4 ‘ I think you 'd better tell me why you 're here , Monsieur . ’
5 ‘ You 'd better tell me how you met him and explain how we 're going to stay there with him without bloodshed .
6 Make it clear that you have taken in details by phrasing questions along the lines of , ‘ I 've looked at your educational record which seems excellent but could you perhaps tell me why you did not pass maths until two years after your other 0 levels/changed schools halfway through A levels/took a year off while doing your degree ? ’
7 you better teach me how to make gravy if I 'm going to polytechnic , because I do n't know how to do it
8 I mean , I can manage if you 'll just tell me where everything is . ’
9 Then hurriedly , ‘ If you 'll just tell me where it is I can manage with the crutch . ’
10 ‘ If you 'll just tell me where it is I can manage by myself , thank you . ’
11 ‘ You had best tell me how , Teacher Peng . ’
12 ‘ Even at that point , NME writers would still ask me how my mates The Cockroaches were doing , ’ he says .
13 I think that to be a loner and a writer is hell enough , but many would instantly tell me how horrendous it is to work in a factory — 1 did it for three months and loathed it — or to go to their office and stop from biting their nails when their boss has to score petty points off them .
14 The original engine I have kept as a spare and would like to convert it to run on unleaded petrol , could you please inform me where to get drawings or information on conversion .
15 Can you please tell me why ?
16 CAN you please tell me where I can purchase a rubber sealing ring for a Tempo High dome Pressure Cooker , 10 inches in diameter .
17 Could you please tell me how to get to Lei-cee-ter Square ? please , I asked wide-eyed , eager and hopeful .
18 Could you please tell me how to get to Lei-ces-ter Square ? please , I said once again , in my best voice once again .
19 Q WILL you please tell me how you can propagate a passion flower ?
20 Could you please tell me how to practise levels two and three on Back To The Future 3 , as I have tried everything .
21 ‘ They wo n't even tell me where the money really has come from .
22 Can you please advise me how to recover these files !
23 I have noticed some very good front ends in Shareware similar to that produced using Pascal , can you please advise me how I produce the same quality of software .
24 When I went to that rodeo with Jerry and I was n't home until after midnight , Harry did n't even ask me why I was so late — and he knew the time because he 'd been down to see if Islay 's foal was better .
25 tell me , did n't even ask me why I wanted to know .
26 I ca n't it does n't actually tell me how many days it is .
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