Example sentences of "[adv] [was/were] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This was equally , and perhaps more , marked in local politics in the cities , dominated as these naturally were by the bourgeois ( i.e. normally Liberal ) notables of the place .
2 Were , we 're not attached to any sort of department , like housing or leisure , were actually in the organisation , were in the general management department and were not alone erm , the planning er originally the general manager 's department and the winners and equality unit are in that department as well and the general manager has his own erm policy , officer and secretarian , so were in the general manager 's department and in other Council 's that would be known as the Chief Executive Department .
3 Apparently was on the local news
4 Joan perhaps was of a rather sturdier build , her earlier maturity revealed by shapely breasts that rounded the bodice of her gowns to the open envy of Anne .
5 There was no response , which meant that he might still be sleeping off a particularly heavy lunchtime session or perhaps was in the bath and could n't be bothered to get out .
6 Presumably he had become as immune to disgust as he obviously was to the sweet-sour smell of his mortuary .
7 He obviously was of a mind with Churchill who later was to say : ‘ I never meant the Anglo-American Army to be stuck in North Africa .
8 If you 'd see him , I thought you all was under the rest of them but
9 Xenly was in a state of turmoil .
10 The first of two holidays they spent together was on a cruise ship , the SS Romantica which took them to the Greek Islands .
11 The other time that they used to sit down together was for a cup of tea or coffee at six in the morning , which was when the man got home , and often as not that was when Boy got home too .
12 The only time we really spent together was in the summer holidays … with our grandmother at Swindon .
13 In Por Tanssie , no one would have marched into a room uninvited in case the person inside was in a state of undress .
14 Living alone was like the idea of a hairshirt to George .
15 Peach alone was in the house , having let himself in through the cat flap Stephen had fixed into the lower panel of the back door .
16 They had access to the schedule to be used ( Document 2 ) and thus were in a position to know what criteria would be used to observe and evaluate them .
17 Complaints from the regional Propaganda Offices that neither press , nor radio , nor newsreels were reporting anything about the Führer any longer were to no avail .
18 The best were in the city of Budapest which is divided by the river Danube into the hilly right bank where Buda is situated and the flatter lands opposite of Pest .
19 And then he claims that the list of circumstances above were among the factors needed to produce the revolution in Russia .
20 The idea that carried me away was like the invisible seeds that Thoreau wrote about when he was in the swamp .
21 oh mm cos one thing really gave the key away was in the , the sermon on the mount where Jesus said that the meek ought , ought to inherit the earth
22 More important , he could only speak Yiddish and thus was at a great disadvantage in terms of communicating with Russian travel-agents and officials .
23 ( 2 ) Allowing the appeal , that before making the prohibited steps orders the justices should have informed the parties of their intention and given them an opportunity to make submissions as to whether such orders were appropriate ; that the justices had had no jurisdiction to make an order prohibiting the parents from having contact with each other because such contact was not a step which could be taken by a parent in meeting his responsibility towards his child and thus was outside the terms of section 8(1) of the Children Act 1989 ; that , on the evidence they accepted , the justices had been plainly wrong to refuse to make the interim care orders ; and that , accordingly , the court would substitute interim care orders relating to both children ( post , pp. 271B–D , H — 272A , F , H — 273A ) .
24 Jessica dropped back a short way — the Polo handling the terrain without a struggle — and thus was in a position to take the view full-frontally when she rounded the last corner .
25 He would also have become even more unpopular than he already was with the Pharisees , who were bitterly opposed to the Roman occupation .
26 The questions were filling up his mind , making him even more tired than he already was from the train journey , the handshakes and the heavy suitcase he had carried everywhere .
27 Indeed , Marx saw his work very much in this light and at one time proposed to dedicate Capital to Darwin , who refused , horrified as he already was by the religious and political repercussions of what he had written .
28 Airtours meanwhile was in the middle of launching its own airline .
29 He paused briefly to confirm that with Mario Ortiz , a handsome jungle tour guide who tonight was in the early stages of a journey to explore oblivion .
30 Perhaps the last occasion on which they figured at all prominently was at the coronation of Alexander II of Russia in 1856 .
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