Example sentences of "[adv] [is] that if " in BNC.

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1 One of the advantages of grooming your dog outside is that if any do leap off at this stage , then they are not likely to cause problems in the home .
2 The fear of governments always is that if people are not occupied playing competitive sports or watching TV they will be at it all the time .
3 Anyway , the position now is that if you do not take silk at the right moment , it may mean that you have to continue working much too hard for your time of life ; on the other hand some barristers who take silk repent it , for they find too late that their services in the more expensive class of advocacy are not in demand .
4 The only thing that 's different now is that if Middlesbrough win their last two , we 're not in the driving seat . ’
5 What happens here is that if a white lady wants to go to the toilet and she 's working on a line , she does n't ask anyone 's permission , she just gets up — out she goes , powders her nose , has a cigarette , whatever they do — then comes back .
6 The criterion here is that if the publication is published and on sale it should be considered for purchase .
7 The point to make here is that if it is good enough for the courts to judge a publication as a whole then it would be perverse of a librarian to do otherwise in book selection .
8 the view of the traffic planners here is that if the bike is to be seen as a realistic substitute to the car over distances of up to two km , then every point must be made accessible to it .
9 The assumption here is that if inheritance is a factor then adopted children should be more similar , in their criminality , to their biological than to their adopting parents .
10 The assumption here is that if the pound had been devalued earlier on this would have made it possible to adhere to the growth path of the plan , but in the light of the comments made above this view is open to doubt : it gives the plan more credibility than it merited .
11 The principle here is that if particular changes in activity bear a constant relationship to the reference event they will show up against fluctuations of the ongoing EEG which , being " random " , should cancel out to zero when averaged over successive trials by the computer .
12 The point here is that if cultural modernity is to be understood in terms of the separation and even the transcendence or ‘ aura ’ of aesthetic realism , then post-modernity would be a matter of transgression of the boundaries that separate the aesthetic from other cultural practices and from the social itself .
13 I mean , my concern here is that if you 've got a procedure that 's got nine points in it , and effectively we 're going to go through one , two , three , five of those nine points and say either this does not apply to access or access does it differently .
14 The other suggestion is that where the product under licence is technically advanced it is likely that it will be continually improved through innovation ; the sanction here is that if there are royalty payment problems then the latest innovation can be withheld .
15 Erm right so looking at the details of those , right what we 've , what we 're actually saying then is that if erm you , you would want to provide that income or want to make sure that that , that income was available should you die tomorrow ?
16 The principle I would like to put forward is that if we are gon na place
17 The difference between the ego and id however is that if that is gon na happen in the real world , there has to be a cake there for you to eat .
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