Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Charlie rose from the chair and shook her hand vigorously to confirm that his first deal was closed .
2 If Berg was successfully to allege that it was fraudulently misled , it must show that some natural person connected with it had been misled , and Berg could not do this .
3 There used to be a long table and the head used to sit at the end of this table and so to see that you did n't leave off working she used to get the table cloth and always be pulling this table straight .
4 Gable is honest enough to acknowledge that there 's some truth in the saying that no publicity is bad publicity : ‘ The cynical and worldly part of me tells me it 's been wonderful because the production must be the most talked about in 20 years of dance .
5 At the junction with the road she braked just long enough to see that nothing was coming then turned right and careered wildly down the long hill into the village .
6 Elrond 's adamant refusal to take the Ring is because he has considered its advantages but is wise enough to see that it would ruin him utterly .
7 She gave him a quick , angry glance , just enough to see that his mouth was thinned with displeasure .
8 It did n't take Matron long to realize that something was going on and put a stop to it . ’
9 It had n't taken Benedicta long to realize that it would be sheer cruelty to keep the marquis 's protégée penned within the confines of the convent .
10 Marchmont was driven to complain that Anson had been ready enough to promise that he would ‘ do it the first moment it was possible ’ , and had already been strongly urged to promote Lieutenant Home by the Duke of Newcastle , but yet had done nothing .
11 He may prefer only to claim that they apply once ethical language and judgement are understood in the way he recommends .
12 I would have been sorrier still if she had not paraded her distress so openly , sighing and staring into space and insisting that Richard should buy her whisky , which is expensive in Morocco — in her place I should have been so humiliated and ashamed that I would have done my best to put a good face on it — but I was sorry enough to agree that she should come with us , in our car .
13 Sylvia was an intelligent woman , quite sensible enough to realize that there was probably some reason in her early life for the current problem .
14 The food 's all poisoned , and the newspapers are poisoned , and television 's poisoned , and Brian makes money telling people everything is n't — poisoned , ’ she concluded , sober enough to realize that she might not be expressing her thoughts with the clarity their profundity deserved .
15 He was intelligent enough to realize that his father would never allow him much freedom in the business and so he started his own training centre at Heald Grove , Rusholme .
16 I was not sensitive enough to realize that it was all my fault , and that if I had n't considered him common , he would n't have been so clumsy .
17 In the evening I went out to a club , stayed up all night , was late for work the next morning , got sacked and ever since then the rest of the staff have been kind enough to pretend that I 'm still one of them .
18 I knew Flora cared no more about my opinions than about the opinions of the rather derelict Arabs , drinking Coca-Cola at the bar — probably a good deal less , in fact , since theirs would be useful copy for her — but she was kind enough to pretend that she did , drew me out and flattered me until I felt witty and successful and told outrageous stories about people we knew .
19 I still sometimes think — ‘ I 'll ask Mum about that , ’ only to realize that she is dead and no one remains who could possibly know or take interest in such small family details .
20 This is not to reject the approach out of hand ; but merely to acknowledge that it has weaknesses .
21 She picked up the bag , checked inside to see that everything was still there , and was about to confiscate the switchblade when she heard the sound of a police siren in the distance .
22 For Locke , it was possible from reason alone to know that there is a God , and the role of revelation tended to be seen as a way to produce belief among those whose reason was undeveloped .
23 It had n't taken her long to discover that they had nothing whatsoever in common .
24 Some needed only to know that we existed — that was enough for them to throw themselves wholeheartedly into the gay life .
25 ' ’ I trust to have word from you by this messenger , and delay only to know that you wish me to proceed .
26 Life is killing us moment by moment , and until you are humble enough to accept that you will never be truly aware .
27 The lady is looking for a husband and she has been about the world sufficiently to know that I am not one of those .
28 We would do better to accept that we can not say precisely how much of the book dates from this last stage , although there were , no doubt , changes of various kinds , including deletions .
29 ‘ But one does talk , and I know Peter well enough to guess that he would n't keep me against my will , just as I would n't want to keep him .
30 He did n't actually talk about it to me — I suppose he knows me well enough to guess that I 'd have dug in my heels .
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