Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ Office of Innovation ’ ( OI ) transcends the interests of individual departments , thereby allowing for cross-fertilization of ideas among divisions .
2 We grew together struggling for supremacy like a wisteria — two trunks from one root — twining tortuously round each other 's faults and failings and culminating in the glorious flowers of two fine sons and a deep and immovable friendship .
3 We , we felt at the end of the seventies that there was no question that the eighties was going to be a decade of increasing food shortages , and widespread famine , that is , people literally dying for want of food .
4 Sometimes this is achieved by a dominant project leader who imposes his own philosophy and then makes many of the decisions leaving only detailing for team members .
5 In nature small fish are constantly looking for food , and will eat small amounts whenever they find them .
6 Thus Anderson may have been more prophetic than was realized at the time ( Earley 1988:61 ) : Parents are basically looking for reassurance about their children 's schools and teachers .
7 Just as change has to be acceptable if there is to be success in implementing it , so training for management has to be acceptable .
8 The new method involves candidates literally wrestling for power in a knockout tournament .
9 If all that does n't stop the person , they are obviously looking for trouble of some sort and you must quickly decide whether to lash out first or run for safety .
10 With the party apparently heading for defeat , however , no senior members of the LDP appeared eager to succeed Miyazawa before the July poll .
11 Only er , only , they 're only paying for lunch for those that they have to pay for lunch .
12 Landlords not only were assessed on their directly occupied land but were constantly calling for relief for tenants , for whom increasing poor rates were setting a ceiling for rents .
13 necessarily calling for radicalization cos it was forced erm I , I , it appeared to me that how that the Communist Party would have continued a moderate policy had the peasants not erm been demanding further radical change and in actual fact the tone of the document 's quite moderate and it 's protecting middle peasants , rich peasants , even some landlords who had remained loyal to the Party so it 's not at all radical but erm it 's just it 's radical in the sense that how that it wants to get rid of feudalism , but it 's not getting rid of landlords per se as a class .
14 Not so rugged as they once were , America 's oilmen spend more of their time moaning to politicians and colleagues at seminars about imports , environmentalists and taxes , and less drilling for oil and gas .
15 Last night , the town hall 's planning department confirmed the letter has been received merely asking for advice .
16 I was only asking for confirmation of what I expected .
17 If he then varies or strays from the agreement in an unsatisfactory way you are only asking for trouble if you do n't act promptly for full recovery .
18 For example , fair dealing for research purposes might have allowed decompilation in some circumstances and implied licences might have been appropriate in some cases involving error correction and back-up copies .
19 If you go to the parks in Peking early in the morning , you will see hundreds of people gently exercising for health and longer life .
20 [ PAMELA and Mrs. JERVIS are alone together in private , perhaps preparing for bed ]
21 There was no reference to the key educational issue in the Queen 's speech , and Michael Stewart ( the new Secretary of State ) was obviously playing for time : ‘ I would rather wait a bit for a good comprehensive system than try to push a sham version in its place . ’
22 Love , a surprising amount of laughter , physical pleasure that had left her literally gasping for breath at its intensity —
23 The DIY business has been fiercely competitive with Do-It-All , B&Q and Texas all battling for supremacy through price cuts and heavy advertising .
24 In many cases the onset of symptoms is found in situations where water quality has deteriorated , where aggressive fish are constantly battling for territory or where opportunist parasites find a weakened fish and multiply rapidly .
25 ‘ It 's just not possible for me to pack a briefcase and go and stay in a Hilton somewhere looking for business and agents .
26 This would be searchable in either direction , which could be useful in some parallel application for string searching , or just allowing for reverse searching because the end of the string is more restrictive .
27 Why did he feel as though he had just run his sword through the heart of something small and desperately struggling for survival ?
28 Indeed , with embryonic OLTP products like Unix System Labs 's Tuxedo , Transarc Corp 's Encina and now IBM 's CICS/6000 already struggling for mind and market share , X/Open will be under pressure to avoid the problems that it faced — and to some extent still does — over the lack of a standard for graphical user interfaces , GUIs .
29 He plans to leave the service in December this year and , with the renewed confidence of a graduate , is already applying for work .
30 The Duchess was desperately looking for help .
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