Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Since preview audiences rated it both best and worst thing in the film — presumably depending on level of squeamishness — it obviously made an impression .
2 But the group most demanding of provision is that of adults with severe learning difficulties who are newly resident in the community .
3 You do a complete circuit , left or right depending on wind , and then you can go where you want .
4 The keys crashed to the floor next to Gedanken ; the piece of paper followed , slowly fluttering from side to side like a snowflake .
5 The ‘ Office of Innovation ’ ( OI ) transcends the interests of individual departments , thereby allowing for cross-fertilization of ideas among divisions .
6 Time performance of stoves and fuels varies widely depending on temperature , weather conditions — notably wind — and altitude .
7 If there is some improvement , persist for another month or two — the Candida is slowly dying of starvation , and it may take a little while to finish it off entirely .
8 The Saturday Benediction was slowly dying of indifference .
9 It was the most inspiring experience of my life and the visit provided food for my hungry spirit which by then was slowly dying from malnutrition .
10 Therefore he strove to understand nature , and had ‘ The habit of wishing to discover the good and the Beautiful in all that meets and surrounds me ’ , thereby becoming in touch with ‘ plastic and vast , one intellectual breeze , At once the soul of each , and God of All ’ .
11 Uncle Albert picked up the oars , turned the boat round , and started furiously rowing up river .
12 Throughout prehistory they have formed great carpet-like layers , the so called stromatolites , like those found in Zimbabwe nearly three billion years ago , slowly calcifying into limestone .
13 Although it was after three in the morning , Sophie could hear the low , penetrating drub-drub-drub of a bass-line and a siren somewhere wailing in counterpoint .
14 With the lack of grazing pressure much of the scarp slope has developed scrub and is slowly reverting to woodland .
15 You remember those things : they littered the creeks and bywaters of harbours , slowly returning to nature , back to the trees and minerals that gave them life .
16 Street lights were starting to come on in the distance , crimson slivers slowly brightening to orange .
17 The counsellor can play an important part in monitoring the quality , effectiveness and possible iatrogenic effects of medical treatment , and can do so without necessarily bringing into question medical authority or competence .
18 In the indictment Bunyan was accused , among other things , of ‘ devilishly and perniciously abstaining from coming to Church to hear Divine Service ’ .
19 In 1754 Ramsay was again in Italy , where he remained for three years , developing the wonderfully delicate style of his maturity , and constantly drawing from life with all the avidity to learn of a student .
20 Silent battles are constantly waging as coral colonies fight each other for living space and , as with fish , every species of invertebrate has its predators and many of these are other invertebrates .
21 Additional developer licenses are $3,000 and additional end-user licences go for $1,500 or less depending on quantity .
22 Much slapping of rifle butts .
23 Lily bulbs benefit from improved drainage and need cool roots , so using as spot plantings amongst other perennial plants and shrubs is ideal .
24 Here is a Roman theatre built over barrel-vaulted substructures but gently resting in part against the hillside .
25 In both features she is also seen to embody a wider set of assumptions about Mexico itself ; exotic , passionate , yet constantly struggling against pain and deceit .
26 Again , the 103/4 conveyed a perfectly tangible image , with the sound literally hanging in space in the room .
27 Management skills and systems development to ensure efficient use of resources in a more dispersed service and better targeting of health need
28 The conservation measures put forward by the British and Belgian colonial authorities were highly demanding of labour and moreover symbolised the logic of expropriation and more general exploitation by the colonial powers .
29 Extensive grassland based systems are especially sparing of energy use ( 14 ) and could well assume an increasing importance not only for this reason but also because the rate of expansion of production has now declined to around 2% per annum in lowland agriculture and may not increase ( 15 ) .
30 Trestles were being set up along both sides of the room , but only a few sombrely dressed ladies were seated , the rest of the company apparently preferring to mill about in the centre of the hall .
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