Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [noun] was " in BNC.

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1 A bill effectively legalizing euthanasia was submitted to parliament on Nov. 8 .
2 Perhaps having time was the right beginning ?
3 It was a surge of acceleration which in any normal race would have ensured victory , but this was no normal race : suddenly Dancing Brave was there , charging up the middle of the track with a relentless power .
4 So achieving Marchbanks was a gradual and thoughtful affair — I remember being taken aside by the director and given a whole day after we had been rehearsing for two weeks and simply talking together about the play and about ourselves which was the real making of the part over the next weeks of final rehearsal .
5 The greatest sources of all job losses from 1971 to 1978 lay in the manufacture of textiles , mechanical engineering and metals , but already manufacturing decline was generalized , common to many products and areas .
6 But those trips will probably be few and far between over the next two years since his already groaning workload was increased still further last month when he took over from Hugh Collum , finance director of SmithKline Beecham , as chairman of the 100 Group of finance directors .
7 She informed her great-granddaughter that if she filed for a divorce she would take Andrew 's side and say that what he had done in taking a mistress and in finally attempting suicide was because she had never acted as a wife to him .
8 What we were just saying Cath was , we was just trying to look at the , the tape that 's just come from Marcus , the erm the film and
9 One important Communist still eluding capture was Jose Weibel , Secretary General of the Young Communists , and the Joint Command decided to try and locate him through his brother Ricardo , a bus driver .
10 But now the kind old man had moved abroad , still believing Oliver was a lying thief , and he might hold this belief until the day he died .
11 The Collector 's face had assumed an alert expression , for the Padre was now addressing the godparents ; but his still wandering mind was harrowed by the thought of the gentle , pious Mr Bradley of the Post Office department who , only the day before , had been deprived of the evening of his life , and the afternoon as well , come to that .
12 Also taking part was Geoff Pymer , the 81-year-old former speedway rider who has been acting as Tony Jacklin 's caddie on the European tour recently .
13 He had left off his dog collar and was losing strips of his white eyebrows , moustache and beard — the undergrowth , the perpetually springing beard-stubble was subversively blue-black .
14 The day before opening night was the time they all dreaded .
15 The girl who was now confronting Joe was someone strange and of whom he held no memory in any corner of his mind .
16 A particularly vexing category was the " turnover " : the apprentice who had served most of his time but was not yet a journeyman , and who was snapped up by employers to do a man 's work at a boy 's pay .
17 An equally conforming document was issued by FIATA , a European based association of international freight forwarders .
18 For the record their performance was marred by engine trouble , but simply taking part was more significant than the result .
19 The long beat and fast reaching course was probably the best set by race officer Roy Withell .
20 Even finding food was difficult , as Filon , the Empress 's secretary , discovered when he went to find some soup for her in an attempt to make her eat after nearly 36 hours with virtually nothing :
21 Herd life extended beyond the office out to the organization man 's natural habitat , the suburban community , where he found even watching television was a group activity .
22 ‘ A little , ’ she admitted reluctantly , but it had only just begun to do so , and she suspected that the tension induced by his presence at the end of an unusually demanding day was more responsible than the bump .
23 Full control of potentially contaminating factors was not sought , and is probably not feasible .
24 Bolstering the otherwise flagging figures was the Application Hardware segment that achieved 8.6% pre-tax growth and 1.9%. turnover growth .
25 They waited , listening , as the salty night air with the sound of softly hissing waves was split by more shearing , protesting metal , and deep unearthly growls .
26 Since financial , technical , and geographical constraints did not permit efforts to be made to bring their sewage works into compliance with the existing standards ( even if time had been available ) , the only other means of demonstrably maintaining compliance was for the agencies to change the standards to fit the existing discharges .
27 Third party databases such as those of Infocheck have been available on Telecom Gold for up to ten years , but until recently selling services was secondary to selling Prestel and E-mail systems ( and those two delivery options functioned as discrete entities ) .
28 Did Obispal 's associates realize that the rashly rampaging Inquisitor was only present in this auditorium courtesy of Jaq 's Assassin who had plucked him to safety ?
29 The lengthy section in the same report on the persecution of the Jews in Germany began by stating that what was currently taking place was the ‘ irresistible extermination of a minority ’ , comparable to the genocide against the Armenians by the Turks during the First World War but carried out in Germany against the Jews ‘ more slowly and in more planned fashion ’ , adding accurately that ‘ in reality a lawless situation has long prevailed , through which every act of force against the Jewish minority is sanctioned ’ .
30 This explicitly campaigning sociology was of course in conflict with the ( only apparently ) ‘ neutral ’ stance of the earlier phase .
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