Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] have the " in BNC.

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1 The change did not mean that the new recruits to Parliament were any less committed to socialism : indeed , many of them probably understood its teachings even better than had the bulk of MPs of the pre-war era .
2 Apart from Ireland it would seem that the smaller European countries have contained the situation better than have the larger ones , but this is an artefact since other small countries such as Belgium , Netherlands and Denmark follow the same trend as the larger countries .
3 If a large number of As have been observed under a wide variety of conditions , and if all those observed As without exception possessed the property B , then all As have the property B.
4 Dismissive of the ‘ corridor opportunites ’ , he fails to mention that , so far , the Foreign Secretaries of the UK and Argentina have had their first meeting since the 1982 Falklands War , that the Israeli and Soviet Foreign Ministers have got together as has the US Secretary of State with his Israeli and Egyptian counterparts , or that the two German Foreign Ministers have held extensive talks on the current crisis — all with apparently good results : quite useful when several of these countries have no diplomatic relations with each other .
5 Rather than having the whole of the public and the press against us , we gained support .
6 Rather than having the unskilled parts of the operation — the lifting and placing — performed by the robot , and the skilled part — the welding — performed by the welder , the opposite solution was adopted .
7 The attention paid to posture is most noticeable at the foot end , for rather than having the feet at right-angles to the ankles they are totally relaxed and display a more natural attitude of repose .
8 However , rather than having the guests whispering conspiratorially amongst themselves the unmentionable secret that this is a second marriage , some speakers prefer a more direct and honest approach .
9 Rather than having the police putting their big feet in it all over the place . ’
10 The stimulus in the 1930s was , again , the cinema ; for patent reasons , some studios preferred to distribute their films with separate disc soundtracks , rather than have the sound printed optically on the film itself .
11 I think perhaps the most important thing is that voluntary agencies should do what they believe is right , and not allow their own objectives to be distorted , simply because a , of particular flavours , which is why I 'm saying let us grab the agenda and write the agenda , rather than have the agenda set for us by other people .
12 Will you agree that we do that , rather than have the same thing coming up time after time .
13 It is always hard to forgive people because forgiveness is often seen as a sign of weakness and we feel vulnerable enough after we have been hurt that we tend to build a wall between ourselves and those who have offended us , rather than to have the strength to forgive them and therefore become reconciled with them .
14 It was true that Hassan had managed to balance the often conflicting pressures more successfully than had the Shah .
15 Because this is indeed one of the important criteria set out in P P G three , that is the question to respect local preference as well as have the support of the local authority .
16 With a dry wit and an infectious Brooklyn drawl , Karen , as part of the Flatbush-based Soulboys group of club-runners , was responsible for some of the first illegal parties in New York , as well as having the much-coveted job of doorperson at various Manhattan clubs .
17 There is also trip to Hall , formerly the centre of the Tyrol 's salt industry ; on to the Swarovski crystal factory show rooms where you will see glass being blown and painted , as well as having the opportunity to buy anything that takes your fancy .
18 As well as having the opportunity to learn about industry , students may enhance their career prospects and demonstrate their potential to become leaders in the application of computing to business and commercial problems .
19 This is a leader who has evangelistic gifts , is essentially outward looking , as well as having the ability to lead and relate well to a team .
20 As well as having the magazine delivered monthly , you 'll receive a Club newsletter .
21 Before the 1974 Revolution , as well as having the world-famous Reid 's Palace Hotel and the Savoy Hotel , the island boasted a Sheraton , Hilton ( now Madeira Palâcio ) , Holiday Inn ( now Atlantis ) and the then under construction Casino Park Hotel designed by Oscar Niemeyer — a total of six luxury five-star hotels .
22 You 'd have to have cons you have to , as well as having the dipping controls , you 'd have to have the controls over marketing as well .
23 I was there for the full week , being lucky enough to have a brother living in Crosby , so was able to take in most of the events and sights of interest , as well as having the pleasure of meeting old comrades at the Cunard Building
24 One is that the cradle to grave provision of welfare , implicit in the Beveridge proposals , has proved to be too expensive and that the demand for welfare has grown faster than has the national income to pay for adequate comprehensive services and benefits .
25 The first advantage to the participating company of all of these types of activity is that they are not seen by the reader as advertising but as part of the editorial content of the magazine and therefore as having the endorsement of the editorial staff .
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